This general of the army that consisted of more than 100,000 troops and 40 war elephants.
Who is Hannibal?
This famous Roman general defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama during the Second Punic War.
This battle was one of the Roman's most devastating defeats, in which Hannibal completely surrounded a larger Roman Army.
What is the Battle of Cannae?
This is an ancient city in North Africa near the Lake of Tunis.
What is Carthage?
These famously large animals were utilized by the Carthaginians during battle.
What are elephants?
This general retired to Carthage after the peace treaty in 241 BC, following the defeat of Carthage.
Who is Hamilcar Barca?
During this first Punic War this Roman served as the first consul and defeated the Carthaginians at the naval battle off Cape Ecnomus alongside his co-consul.
Who is Marcus Atilius Regulus?
What is the Battle of Zama?
The Punic Wars took place mainly in these areas.
What is Sicily, Corisca, and Sardinia?
Publius Claudius Pulcher famously threw these sacred animals off his boat before a battle because they refused to eat. He said "If they will not eat let them drink," and was later accused of treason.
What are chickens?
This general commanded the detachment of the Roman army that defeated the Romans at the Battle of Trebia.
Who is Mago Barca?
Father of Scipio Africanus, this Roman man was consul during the first year of the second Punic War and was a part of one of the biggest patrician families at the time.
Who is Publius Cornelius Scipio?
In this battle Hannibal Barca ambushed Gaius Flaminius's army with his own forces in 217 BCE near a body of water.
What is the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
This was Carthage's main base in Sicily.
What is Akragas?
This Carthaginian general was thrown off his horse into a river and drowned.
Who is Hamilcar Barca?
This general was a Numidian army commander and Hannibal's second-in-command during the Second Punic War.
Who is Maharbal?
This five time consul was given the surname "Cuncator" because of the strategy he used to fight Hannibal during the Second Punic War.
Who is Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus?
In this first major battle of the Second Punic War, the armies of Hannibal and Sempronius Longus, each with about 40,000 troops, fought, with Hannibal coming out victorious.
What is the Battle of the Trebia?
The First Punic War primarily took place in this city.
What is Messana?
This battle tactic was employed by Hannibal at the Battle of Cannae.
What is double envelopment?
This general was the main politician opposed to Hannibal and Hamilcar, as he preferred to continue conquering territory in Africa over fighting a naval battle against Rome.
Who is Hanno II the Great?
After Gaius Flaminius fell at the Battle of Lake Trasimene, this Roman took responsibility for the Romans' coastal defense and led battles against Sardinia, Corsica, and the North African coast.
Who is Gnaeus Servilius Geminus?
In the Third Punic War, 30,000 Cathaginians were led by Hasdrubal in a battle against the Numidians, but the Numidians emerged triumphant.
What is the Battle of Oroscopa?
This place was originally called the "Eternal City."
What is Rome?
This boat, called "corvus", had a heavy spike on the underside to allow the Romans to do this, instead of simply ramming the ship.
What is boarding?