What’s the amount for a Small Order Purchase?
What packet is needed for a new vendor
Vendor Application Packet ( Vendor application, w-9, and Boycott.)
Where do you look to find out who's box your requisition is in?
Process history
What is a purchase order?
The purchase order is the primary accepted business standard of UAPB for transmitting ordering information to a supplier
Who can sign a contract for the University?
Chancellor or Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Form needed for any requisition over $1000
What is a requisition?
A requisition is an internal document created within Workday to require goods or services
Who is the Preferred UAPB vendor for office supplies?
When is a conflict of interest form needed?
When paying a individual.
What form is required for anything with UAPB logo
Promotional Item Form
What document is needed from the vendor to process a requisition?
A Valid Quote
True or False. It is possible to make any edits or changes to a punchout order after submitting it.
What is the final step of a purchase order after you receive your items.
Receipting the Purchase Order
What form is needed for an individual(s) membership.
Membership justification Form
Where do you look to find a approved promotional item vendor?
UAPB purchasing website under promotional products.
For computer needs who does the University have a contract with.
What is considered a split purchase?
Repeated small quantity purchases of similar items.
Form needed for any event on campus
Official Function
Which punch out supplier only has 7 days to get approved or supplier will cancel the order?
What is the PO policy
Without an approved authorized purchase order in hand, you cannot fiscally obligate the University for goods/services accepted by any other means.