The report that is run to check inventory
What is the BMR?
Stock for e-stores
What is Inventoried?
The letters BMR stand for
What is Below Minimum Report?
Preferred E-Comm Decorators (Embroidery & Screen Printing)
Who are Unique Designs, Unique Apparel, Premier Screen Printing?
Minimum able to purchase
What is the vendor minimum?
Personalization's, Co-branding, On Demand items
What is non-inventoried?
Projected quantities are based on these 2 things
What is previous sales for that quarter and current stock?
ETA shown on E-store
What is Due in Date for inventory arrival?
Physical inventory minus allocations
What is the difference between "On hand and Available"?
Purchaser's for e-store stock
Who are Jill & Brittney?
Frequency at which BMR Reviews are sent
What is quarterly?
Apex item # marked *D*
What is discontinued item?
Value based on initial order quantity or previous sales
What is the minimum inventory level?
Purchaser's for Personalization's, Co-brands and On Demand Items
Who are Nicole & Katie?
The purpose of quarterly BMR reviews
Pick-up day from preferred decorators
What is Wednesday?
This is the tagline of the Apex logo
What is Custom Swag. E-stores. Fulfillment?
Apex Insider
What is the monthly newsletter?
Address of one of 2023's fastest growing companies in Central PA
What is 2959 Old Tree Dr Lancaster PA 17603?
Who are Ron Weaver and Katie Brown?