Job Interview Surprise
Lottery Win
Lost and Found
A Perfect Score
Serendipitous Encounter

You’ve been job hunting for months without success. Today, you have an interview for a job you really want. When you arrive at the interview, you realize that the interviewer is an old friend from college who knows your skills and work ethic well.

  • How might knowing the interviewer affect your chances of getting the job?
  • Is this situation purely luck, or does your past relationship play a role?
  • How can you prepare for situations where luck might come into play?

You decide to buy a lottery ticket on a whim. A few days later, you discover that you’ve won a substantial amount of money.

  • How would winning a lottery affect your life?
  • What are some responsible ways to handle sudden wealth?
  • Do you believe in lucky numbers or superstitions?

You lose your wallet on a busy street. A kind stranger finds it and goes out of their way to return it to you with everything still inside.

  • How can acts of kindness from strangers change your perspective on luck?
  • What would you do if you found someone else’s lost wallet?
  • Discuss the concept of “paying it forward.”

You’ve been studying hard for a crucial exam, but you still feel unprepared. On the day of the exam, you find that all the questions are on topics you know very well, and you score perfectly.

  • How do preparation and luck work together in achieving success?
  • Have you ever experienced a situation where luck played a significant role in your academic performance?
  • How can you create your own “luck” through preparation?

While traveling abroad, you randomly meet someone who offers you a fantastic job opportunity that aligns perfectly with your career goals.

  • How do chance encounters shape our lives?
  • How can being open to new experiences increase your chances of encountering good luck?
  • Share a personal story where a random meeting led to something significant.