The city the Manheims lived in before Rehovot
What is Atlanta?
How an Israeli respond to request for directions.
What is Yashar Yashar?
It is the place on which the Berman shul is located.
What is Yeshivat Hadarom?
Go to supermarket for Kirkland products.
What is Osher Ad?
The streets in Rechovot shchnat Ha'Mada are named after these.
What are Nobel Prize winners?
It was the last crisis before the war.
What is Coronavirus?
Acting crazy on Purim
What is Meshuga?
Yom Kippur and Pesach
When is there no kiddush at Berman?
hike from sea to sea
What is Yam l'Yam
This is where you go for an "experience" in Rechovot
What is the Chavayot?
The most popular outdoor volunteer activity during the war.
What is picking fruit?
How we will win the war
What is B'Yachad N'natzeach?
This is the official name of the Berman Shul.
What is Congregation Tifereth Moshe?
Favorite Israeli navigation system
What is Waze?
This is the closest beach to Rechovot
What is Palmachim?
This is where English speakers at Berman can learn about the parasha.
What is the English shiur during kiddush?
The language that is spoken when you press 4 for English
What is Hebrew?
He is the best Ba'al Koreh by far.
Who is Elia Weixelbaum?
How to avoid a parking ticket
What is Pango?
Most popular food delivery in Rechovot
What is WOLT?
Where we will all end up after ....
What is the Rechovot cemetery?
What an Oleh says when an Israeli answers his question
What is Lo Hayvanti?
This Berman member has 2 brothers that look just like him
Who is Mark Green?
City where the Hartsteins ended up.
What is Zichron Ya'acov?
This Okaf restaurant is the most expensive in Rechovot.
What is Sphera?