What is a mitzvah?
A good deed / Commitment
What do we usually do when we say "Haman"?
Making noise
Where is Purim celebrated in Israel?
Everywhere! In schools, synagogues, and even in the streets!
Who is Esther?
Esther is the Jewish queen of King Ahasuerus and the heroine of the Book of Esther, who saved the Jewish people from Haman's plot
Why is the month of Adar considered a month of happiness in Jewish tradition?
because of the joyous holiday of Purim, which celebrates the miraculous rescue of the Jewish people from the evil plot of Haman.
What are the four Mitzvot ?
Reading Of The Megillah, The Festive Purim Meal,
Mishloach Manot, Gifts to the Poor.
Where did the story take place?
The story of the Book of Esther took place in Persia, specifically in the city of Shushan
Why do people in Israel dress up on Purim?
This is a symbol of Esther hiding and not saying that she was Jewish.
What was Haman's role?
Haman's role was to be the second vizier in the Persian kingdom.
What happened on the 14th of Adar?
Why is one of the Mitzvots on Purim to have a big feast?
The feast and celebration symbolize the banquet Esther held to save the Jewish people.
Was Mordechai Esther's uncle or cousin?
Both! The answer is not very clear... Some say cousin, and some say uncle.
What is the meaning of Hamantaschen in Hebrew
'Oznei Haman' - Haman's ears
Why was Vashti banished from the kingdom?
because she refused to obey King Ahasuerus' command to appear before him and his guests during a feast.
What happened on the 7th of Adar?
The birthday and death of Moses
Is dressing up on Purim considered part of one of the mitzvot?
No, it's not a commandment, it's a tradition.
hat was the reason Esther did not reveal her Jewish identity to King Ahasuerus at first?
because she followed Mordechai's advice, who recommended that she keep her identity a secret until the right moment, in order to avoid danger or harm to herself or the Jewish people.
When is Purim celebrated in Israel?
14 in Adar
How did Mordechai save the king?
Mordechai saved the king by overhearing a plot to assassinate him and reporting it to Queen Esther, who informed the king.
Continue the song: Mishenichnas Adar....
Marbin Be - Simcha
What do all four Mitzvot have in common?
They all start with the letter מ
,משלוח מנות, מתנות לאביונים, משתה, מקרא מגילה
What is the meaning of the word "Purim"?
The word "Purim" comes from the Persian word "Pur," which means "lot" or "lottery
What does "Ad lo Yada" mean?
The meaning is that until Ahasuerus was not sober (drunk). In Israel, "Ad Lo Yada" is the name of a street festival.
How many countries did King Ahasuerus rule over?
What is the meaning of "Adar"?
The name "Adar" is believed to be derived from the Hebrew root meaning "strength" or "glory".