The number of feasts Esther asked to have
What is 2?
The Jewish woman who became Queen and helps to save the Jews
Who is Esther?
The main mitzvah of Purim and for which we go to synagogue
What is reading Megillat Esther?
Oznei Haman
What are hamantaschen?
3 Hamantaschen flavors
What are chocolate, raspberry, poppyseed, strawberry, apricot, apple, lemon, etc.
The number of days Esther fasted
What is 3?
The evil man who wanted to kill all the Jews
Who is Haman?
The mitzvah in which we give gift baskets to friends and family
What are mishloach manot?
What are lots (lottery)?
The noisemakers we use when we hear "Haman"
The Hebrew date we celebrate Purim
The 14th of the 6th month (Adar)
The Jewish man who helped his cousin save the Jewish people
Who is Mordechai?
The mitzvah in which we donate to those in need
What is matanot la'evyonim?
What is "hidden"?
The short play/skit that is performed on Purim
What is a spiel?
What is 127?
The King of Persia
Who is Achashverosh?
The mitzvah of eating and drinking
What is mishteh (a feast)?
"And it switched/flipped!"
The city where the story of Purim takes place
What is Shushan?
The number of times G-d is mentioned in the Megillah
What is 0?
The Queen of Persia who got banished by the King
Who is Vashti?
Bonus: Two other big traditions
What are masechot (masks/costumes) and marbim b'simchah (increasing our happiness)?
What is ____?