The cookie that is named after Haman's hat.
What is Hamantaschen?
The person who wouldn't listen to King Ahasuerus.
Who was Queen Vashti?
The item to make noise when Haman's name is mentioned.
What is a gragger?
The person who wouldn't bow down to Haman.
Who was Mordechai?
The scroll we read the story of Esther in.
What is a Megillah?
The Hebrew month in which Purim occurs.
What is Adar?
The silly play synagogues put on to tell the story of Purim.
What is a Spiel? The word comes from German spiel or Yiddish shpil, “play or game.”
A form of Tikkun Olam that we do on Purim.
What is making Mishlo'ach Manot?
Esther's Hebrew name.
What is Hadassah? (Her name was changed to Esther to hide her identity upon becoming queen of Persia.)
The meaning of the Hebrew word, Purim.
Purim is the plural of pur, meaning "lot." The holiday is named after the lots cast by Haman to choose the day to kill the Jews.