RIR's favorite Rishon
Who is "the Meiri"
“Speaking of tikkun olam, where’s blank?” Who's blank
Who is "Justin"
"Hakodesh baruch hu is shomea tefillos, doesn’t say he answers. I give you the blue checks"
What is "RIR justifying never answering"
Rambam that we keep coming back to
"I didn't ask you if you were convinced. If I cared, I would ask you if you're convinced" said to who
Who is "Romi"
"we have a seat saved for you in the beis medrash" RIR to who?
“Rav ciment doesn’t give me enough knowledge in the morning, I need my brain working before class” Who said it
Who are "pump and dump bros"
What is "Without"
"We were mechadesh that your mind could work without your computer" Said to who
Who is "the best shiur assistant ever"
Who said that they now support the ceasefire deal because we stopped saying Avinu Malkeinu?
Who is "Yaakov"
“I think, I think you should sleep on it" who to who
Extra Credit for context
Who is "Ezra to RIR about his theory that שבועות are just a means to get to Peshara"
RIR's best return on investment?
What is "Giant rode bike $960"
"He should roll around in the snow naked for an hour and a half" who+context
"As a general rule, when Ezra is bored we are in a good place" Who said it
Who is "Romi"
Rav Itamar's best quote that resembles Donald J Trump
What is "Make Shvuos great again"
Sine Qua Non
What is "an essential condition; a thing that is absolutely necessary."
“I don’t want anyone to think this is a women’s lib shiur” context
what is "the fact that we are talking about eidus eisha by just as a way to talk about eid echad"
RIR said "this might be the line of the year"
What is "Definitely not a reason based university"
“I have nothing to say about it except that it is bittel torah" about what
What is "RIR on Rambam mitzvah רמח having significance because of the number"