Who was Esther's husband?
Who is Achashverosh?
What do you do when you hear Haman's name said from the megillah?
Why are hamentashin shaped like a triangle?
Where does the story take place?
What is Shushan?
What was Achashverosh's wife's first name?
Who is Vashti?
Why did Esther change her name?
What is because Mordachai didn't want anyone to know that she's Jewish.
What do kids do on Purim?
What is dressing up in costumes?
What is customary to drink or eat on Purim? (There's only one).
What is wine?
What day is Purim celebrated?
What is the fourteenth of Adar?
What is hebrew for groggers?
What is rashan?
Why would Esther be executed?
What are five different flavors of hamentashin?
What is strawberry, chocolate, prune, apricot, and poppy seed?
What is the thirteeth of Adar?
What two hebrew months does Adar fall between?
What is Shevat and Nisan?
What is Esther's original name?
Who is Hadassah?
What is the Miztvah of Purim?
What is reading the Megilah?
What is the fast the day before Purim called?
What is Ta'anit Esther?
What day did Haman get hanged?
What is the 17th of Nissan?
How long is the fast that Esther told the Jewish people to do?
What is three days?
How old was Esther when she died?
What is 28 years old?
What are the four traditions of Purim?
What is Mishloach Manot, Seudat Purim,
and Matanot L'evyonim (Gifts to the poor), block out Haman's name?
What do the Purim foods represent?
What is Purim food carry symbolic meaning and reflect the themes of community, resilience, bravery and gratitude
How long did Achashverosh's feast last?
What is 180 days?
What is Shushan Purim?
What is an extra day of Purim observed in Jerusalem in ancient cities?