That Puritan Life
A Narrative of Captivity
Equiano's Interesting Life
Anne Bradstreet's Poems
Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God

The Puritans came to the Americas mostly because of what?

To escape religious persecution


The Native Americans who capture Mary Rowlandson constantly move around. Why?

To avoid English settles


Which relative of Equiano is also captured?

His sister


The first poem we read: who is it addressed to?

Her husband

(To Her Dear and Loving Husband)


What is the tone of Edward's sermon?

Anger; fear


Puritans were really big on one thing. What was it?



What did Rowlandson do in exchange for food for the Natives?

Sewing and knitting


What does Equiano think is going to happen when he is bought by the wealthy widow?

He thinks she will someday adopt him.


The second poem in the packet: who is it addressed to?

To her book

(An Author to Her Book)


One comparison for God's wrath that Edward's uses is that God "holds back the floodgates" for humanity. What's another comparison that he uses in that same passage?

Bow and arrow


The Puritans believed in one thing that influenced a lot of their literature and lives.

(Hint: The answer is not religion)

Fate, destiny, predestination


What happens first in the story?

Rowlandson's daughter gets ill and then dies.


Before he was captured and sold into slavery, what did Equiano think he'd be when he grew up?

A warrior


"I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold /

Or all the riches that the East doth hold."

Where is the East the poem refers to?



In Edward's opinion, what does God feel towards humanity?

Nothing but wrath and displeasure


In ye olden times, you could trade and marry your daughter off in exchange for what?

Multiple answers

(goats, lifestock, gold, ect.)


What is an allusion?

A reference to another literary work or famous cultural aspect that isn't in the original.

(Quoting the Bible, for example.)


What were the conditions of the slave ship Equaino was on?

Terrible: he was too crowded and it was not sanitary. 


"And for thy mother, she alas is poor,

Which caused her thus to send thee out of door."

Why did Anne publish her book?

Because she was poor.

Edwards compares humanity to a spider that God holds above a flame; what other creatures does he compared humanity to?

Insects, vermin, serpents, rebels


One British King separated from the Catholic church, thus causing the Puritans to leave England to come to America. Tell me about this British King and/or the religion he founded.

King Henry the 8th formed the Church of England because he wanted to get a divorce.


What does Rowlandson do in exchange for food? Why was this unique for this time period? (2-part answer)

She sews and knits. She essentially has a job.


What is the destination of Equiano's slave ship?



"When sorrows had begirt me round, 

And pains within and out, 

When in my flesh no part was found, 

Then didst Thou rid me out. 

My burning flesh in sweat did boil, 

My aching head did break, 

From side to side for ease I toil, 

So faint I could not speak."

What is going on in this poem?

The author is sick with a fever.

In "Sinners," Edwards uses a lot of figurative language. What type of figurative language does he use?

Metaphors and similes