50 x 9 = ?
8 legs
How old is Mr. David?
Who is/are the main characters for Minecraft?
Steve / Alex
Who are the two staff leaders for UTK / K?
Ms. Isabella & Ms. Miriam
10 x 10 x 2 = ?
How many hearts does an octopus have?
3 hearts
How many students are in purple group?
(Double points if you also say exactly how many girls/boys)
7 boys, 8 girls
What video game company created Fortnite?
Epic Games
Which staff has been helping Ms. Katelyn with sign-outs recently?
Mr. David
One package of trading cards has 30 cards. If Sam buys 4 packs, how many cards does he have in total?
120 cards
When an animal blends in with its environment for protection, what is it called?
What month did Mr. David start being a primetime staff?
What year did Roblox come out?
How many students are in Ms. Irie's group?
If a farm has 80 columns of crops going across and 6 rows of crops in each column, how many crops are growing there? (Hint: multiplication)
Which animal can lift up to 50 times its own body weight?
Ants, Rhinos, Elephants, Dogs
When is Mr. David's Birthday?
correct if you can guess the month
double points if you guess month and day
triple points if you guess month, day, and year)
May 24, 2002
What was Mario's name originally going to be?
Plumber, Rodrick, Jumpman, Toad
Name every grade and color group they are
UTK/K - Yellow / Orange
1st - Green
2nd - Red
3rd- Purple
4th - Blue
5th - Pink
Mr. David bought 56 pets. He wants to divide them and give pets to every person in purple group. How many pets will each student get? (Hint: there are 14 students in purple group)
4 pets
How many noses do slugs have?
What does Mr. David say a lot?
"That's Crazy"
Who is Sega's mascot?
Name every current primetime staff
points if you name at least 5 , double points if you name all 7
Ms. Katelyn, Ms. Miriam, Ms. Isabella / Ms. Bella, Ms. Dayana, Ms. Irie, Mr. David, Ms. Kayla, Ms. Anette