Context Clues
Who said it
Chapters 1-7
Chapters 8-12
After studying for twelve hours straight, Rob was growing weary. Weary means
What is tired
Papa changed his accent when he spoke, sounding British, just as he did when he spoke to Father Benedict. He was gracious, in the eager-to-please way that he always assumed with the religious, especially with the white religious.
Who is Kambili
After Papa threw the missal, what did it break?
What is Mama's figurines
Why did Amaka not like Kambili at first?
What is Amaka thought Kambili was a rich snob
Where Kambili and Jaja live with Mama and Papa.
What is Enugu
Chris could see nothing but the sky over the fields as he wandered through the desolate plains. Desolate means
What is empty
“I cannot participate in a pagan funeral, but we can discuss with the parish priest and arrange a Catholic funeral.”
Who is Papa
What did Papa call the sip of tea he gives to Jaja and Kambili?
What is a love sip
What type of music does Amaka listen to?
What is indigenous music
Where Kambili and Jaja go to stay with Aunty Ifeoma and their cousins.
What is Nsukka
My mom always worries about my grades and the colleges that I’ll be able to attend, but if she were a little less fretful she’d be a lot more fun. Fretful means
What is worried
“It’s your father. They called me from the factory, they found him lying dead on his desk.”
Who is Mama
At home, which outfit do Kambili and Jaja have to wash on their own?
What is the school uniform
Why is Jaja’s name “Jaja”?
What is it was all he could say when he was little.
characters that contrast with the main characters, and are usually a device to learn more about the qualities of the protagonist.
What is Foil character
The children in the orphanage might have starved had it not been for the benevolence of the nuns, who sacrificed their own small salaries to provide food for the children. Benevolence
What is kindness
“They are always so quiet,” he said, turning to Papa. “So quiet.”
Who is Ade Coker
What is the name of Papa’s newspaper?
What is The Standard
How are conversations during mealtime different at Aunty Ifeoma’s than at Kambili’s house?
What is Kambili's family has very serious and purposeful conversations
a literary technique in which two or more ideas, places, characters and their actions are placed side by side in a narrative or a poem for the purpose of developing comparisons and contrasts.
What is juxtaposition
Though Joseph was the true king, his uncle usurped the throne and was now ruling the land quite cruelly. Usurp means
What is took over
“When the missionaries first came, they didn’t think Igbo names were good enough. They insisted that people take English names to be baptized. Shouldn’t we be moving ahead?”
Who is Father Amadi
What the language did Father Benedict not like using in church?
What is Igbo
How did Ifeoma’s family’s recitation of the rosary differ from Kambili and Jaja’s?
What is they sing Igbo songs after each decade
These “experimental” flowers represent rebellion and defiance, but in a subtle, growing, feminine way.
What is Purple Hibiscus