How often are KR & GG RR visits?
KR- offer every hour, take ever 2
GG- Every hour
What is their reinforcement schedule?
How many word mands should we be targeting?
What is KH allergic to?
Where can NET targets be run?
When does GG get Khan academy?
Full token board OR Void in RR
Name two Gestalt phrases for RC
get to listen now, these go here, hold them now, wanna do it, I need help, I don't like it, this is fun, do it again, make it go, what's next, time to run, a new thing today
What can Anthony watch on the ipad?
How many tokens does MS need for a video? How long does he get?
6 tokens- FR1
3 minutes
How often should targets be run
Minimum once a day
Some targets each session- manding, waiting, etc.
T/F - Kian should be prompted to mand with AAC
False- Technician models AAC
What does assent withdraw look like for CB?
Saying "no", flopping to the floor, pulling away from the therapist, grabbing items from others,
Where are AF's lunchboxes located?
Mateo can take off what in the gym?
shoes (not socks)
What is the max time a patient should be engaging in an activity/location?
15 mins
What is GG's reinforcement schedule?
What time is Circle Time?
CB- 10:30
RC- 10
How does DC earn Suki bills?
Token board
DRO 15 minutes (school rules)
Entire RR routine (asks, walks w/you, and voids)
What is KH SDLS routine?
Eat before nap, come to room before SDLS time, "calm down activities", bottle prep
For nap, Kaden goes down with his bottle. (Parents pre-fill the bottle with water. The powdered milk is in a separate container. Ensure you pour ALL of the powdered milk into the bottle)
What do you do after coming inside?
Patient wash hands
Drink water
KR - Initiate social interaction, gross motor play w/peer, fun play w/toy, ind play w/toy, gross motor play.
GG- Reciprocal comment, mand to peer, pass item to peer, sustained social play, join multi-peer activity, gross motor play, searches for missing items
Name 3 cause and effect toys
peg and hammer, car track, electronic toy, pop up toy, etc.
What are the tracked maladaptive behaviors for AF and DC?
AF- UB, Elopement
DC- Elopement, PA, PD, UB, VA
Can they have birthday/celebration treats?
MS- no, dr ordered diet
KH- Yes IF original packaging is present and able to verify it is peanut free
What should you do while waiting for a late patient?