What is government?
Institution through which leaders exercise power to make and enforce laws affecting the people under its control
What is a monarchy?
What is economics?
How people and nations use limited resources to satisfy wants and needs
When were the Articles of Confederation written?
What right does the second amendment give you?
Right to bear arms
What is the function of government to maintain order?
Control and maintain conflict by placing limits on what individuals are permitted to do
What is a representative democracy?
People elect representatives; give them power to make laws and conduct gov
What is communism?
Command economy, economic decisions made by gov, gov controls production/transportation/distribution
Name two Anti-Federalists?
Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee, George Clinton
How do each branch keep a check on the others to prevent them from getting to much power?
Checks and balances
What is an example of the function of government to provide public services?
Create schools, pave roads, build sewer systems
What is a republic?
Gov where voters hold sovereign power; elected reps, responsible to the people, exercise that power
What is socialism?
Economic system where gov plays major role in economy; use of resources, distributes products and wages, provides social services for its people
What is the Northwest Ordinance? (1787)
Set aside land for educational purposes, setting boundaries for new colonies, bans slavery in the midwest
How many main articles are in the Constitution?
What is anarchy?
State without government and laws
What is an authoritarian government?
Totalitarian state; total control by gov
What is capitalism?
Economic system that emphasizes freedom of choice and individual incentive
Who was not present at the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
What right does the fourth amendment give you?
No warrant w/out probable cause supported by oath; space must be specified to be searched or persons/things to be seized
What is the function of the government to provide economic security and asssistance?
Trade deals with other countries, help other countries, assistance in our own country
What is a constitutional government?
Limited because Constitution places limits on the power of gov officials
What is distribution of wealth?
Gov ownership of most lands, factories, and means of production; gov controls major decisions about production
Who are two major player at the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
Madison, Washington, Hamilton, Gov Carroll, Franklin
What are the 3 branches of the government?
executive, legislative, and judicial branches