Take Delight in
God's Peace Symposium
Follow the Road Map to Family Peace Symposium
Loyally Support the
'Prince of Peace'
Do not be misled by
Imitation Peace
Additional Friday
PM ?'s

How do we show appreciation to Jehovah for the abundance of nourishing spiritual food he gives us?

Symposium Talk - "My servants will eat... my servants will drink"

By STUDYING diligently and APPLYING what we learn.


2 ways that Ephesians 5:15, 16 can help us improve communication?

Symposium Talk - "Improve communication"

1. Making the best use of our time - buying out time from other pursuits - plan and routine.

2. Walking as wise persons - by determining when and how to deal with problems when they do arise.


How will peace come to Earth?

(Hint: 2 words)

God's Kingdom

Mathew 6: 9, 10


Who is the Father of the LIE?

Who is the the Master of the TRUTH?




What was in the drawer of the green desk & what did it mean to Olivia?

A heart her dad drew for her so she would never forget that he loved her. :*-(


What scripture tells us we will always have spiritual food to eat & drink?

Symposium Talk - "My servants will eat... My servants will drink"

Isaiah 65:13, 14


What should we attack when a problem arises?

Hint - Work as a Team

Attack the PROBLEM, not each OTHER.

It's not how can I win, it's how can WE win.


What 2 things can we do that is far better than fight?

1. We preach.  Each time we share the Kingdom news we proclaim our support for Jesus' rule.

2. Stay neutral. Avoid saying or doing anything that suggest taking sides on political issues - not even in our hearts.


What were 2 examples of bible standards that Satan's world says we might need to ignore in order to gain peace of mind?

1. Marrying an unbeliever

2. Obtaining an unscriptural divorce


How many fulfillments of Isaiah 65:6-9?

Hint - Symposium Talk - Take Delight in God's Peace


Return to Jerusalem

Today Spiritually

New World


As we look forward to a future where we are not afraid of wild animals and they are not afraid of us, what 2 things can we do to pursue peace?

Symposium Talk - "The Wolf and the Lamb will feed together"

1. Contribute to the peace of our spiritual paradise - the secure spiritually prosperous environment in which we worship Jehovah

2. Meditate on what it will be like to help resurrected ones who were violent to become peaceable.


What is the Road Map to Family Peace?

(Hint: Answer in conjunction with the titles of the 4 talks in symposium)

Work hard to show love and respect, to improve communication, to work together as a team, and to worship Jehovah together.


We need to maintain our conduct properly because our __________ and _____________ are directly linked to Jehovah.

1 Peter 2:12


When people see us, they see a people that worships Jehovah. 

When people hear us, they hear a people that worships Jehovah.


3 forms of imitation peace that Satan advertises in the world?

1. Material things

2. Ignore bible standards (Unscriptural solutions to our problems)

3. World promises of peace


Where do we get Spiritual Meals?

Symposium Talk - "My servants will eat... My servants will drink"

Christian Meetings

Jehovah has placed everything we need on the table. We must willfully come to the table and sit down and eat.


How did Jehovah heal the Israelites' self-inflicted spiritual sickness that caused the nation to fall into apostasy and lose Jehovah's favor? 

Symposium Talk - "No Resident will say: I am sick"

By FORGIVING their sins and RESTORING them to his favor.  

(They came to their spiritual senses.  They regained their spiritual vision and their ability to hear, obey and speak Jehovah's word.  No longer spiritually lame, they were energized to carry on Jehovah's pure worship.)


What are 5 ways we can worship 

Jehovah together as a family?

Symposium Talk - "Worship Jehovah Together"

1. Prayer

2. Discuss the Daily Text

3. Attend Meetings - Involved and participating and commenting

4. Share in the Ministry Regularly together as a family

5. Have a Consistent, Enjoyable and Meaningful family worship


What 6 words did Jesus use to teach his disciples an important lesson in the garden of Gethsemane?

"Return your sword to its place"

This was not their fight, nor was it the time to fight.


What scripture has an improved translation?

(Hint: Transforms vs disguised)

2 Corinthians 11:14

Satan cannot metamorphosis like a caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly, but he does disguise - he is a masquerader.


The family head is the ________.

Symposium Talk - "Work as a Team"


The family head needs to make sure everyone knows what goal the family is working towards and how each one can contribute towards achieving those goals.


By means of this, Jehovah DISARMS Satan of one of his more effective weapons (threat of death) and at the same time ARMS us with unbreakable courage.

Symposium Talk - "He will swallow up death forever"

The Resurrection Hope.

(Remember that death is TEMPORARY and that the life Jehovah offers each of us will last FOREVER.)


What scripture states - But as for me and my household, we will serve Jehovah?

Symposium Talk - "Worship Jehovah Together"

Joshua 24:15


What was the example Brother Nourmair 

mentioned about an ANT?

Any nation who thinks they can block the coming of God’s Kingdom is like an ANT who plants itself firmly on the railroad track and with his hand raised defiantly shouts to the oncoming locomotive: “Stop! You can’t run over me.” 

God’s heavenly government has the power to destroy all present-day violent regimes.  They’re like ANTS to Jehovah.  He will eliminate their ability to wage war, to foment conflict, and to shed blood.

What scripture states "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"?

John 14:6


God's Promise of peace includes these 5 things: 

(Hint: Answer in conjunction with the titles of the 5 talks in symposium)

1. Nutritious spiritual and physical food for all

2.Adequate housing and satisfying work

3. Freedom from the risk of violence

4. Perfect physical health

5. Elimination of death


What is the secret place of the 'most high' as stated in Psalm 91: 1, 2?

Symposium Talk - "They will build houses... and plant vineyards"

It is a figurative place of SPIRITUAL SECURITY AND PROTECTION.

(Those who dwell, or lodge, with God as his personal guests and remain there are safe from anything or anyone that threatens their faith and their love for God.  We can be sure that Jehovah will NEVER abandon those who trust in him - not now, not ever.)


4 good habits that all of us should work to develop more fully in order to take the lead, or initiative, as stated in Romans 12:10.

Symposium Talk - "Show love and respect"

1. Regularly express tender affection

2. Be kind in your action, tone of voice, and choice of words

3. Be quick to apologize and forgive freely

4. Help your family members feel respected


What is a Peter-like moment?

If we are not careful, issues that are close to our hearts can charge our emotions and we can lose our spiritual balance.

If Satan could only make us “chop off the ear” of anything in this world that causes hurt and indignation in our heart or if he can hook our heartstrings by getting us emotionally charged, he can then step back and reel us in.


All 3 videos gave examples of what?

Hint - Brother that went to work in Africa; Brother and Sister that got separated; Person looked to politics and protest for world peace;

How sisters and brothers realized that trading Satan's imitation peace that he has advertised in the world doesn't compare to the peace that Jesus gives.


What year did Jesus appoint the 'faithful & discreet slave'?

Symposium Talk - Take Delight in God's Promises of Peace - "He will swallow up death forever"


God’s people were tested and refined during the years following the establishment of God’s Kingdom in the heavens in 1914.  Then in 1919, Jesus appointed the “faithful and discreet slave” over God’s cleansed people to give them spiritual food at the proper time.