What year was Jerusalem permanently destroyed?
70 C.E. – There was no doubt that Jerusalem no longer enjoyed Jehovah’s special favor and protection. The city and its temple were completely destroyed.
Jerusalem and its temple
1st question - When was universal peace disturbed?
1 John 3:8
When Satan deceived Eve in the Garden of Eve.
This disruption of the universal peace began in heaven first, at the time that the angel who became Satan started to covet the position of Jehovah to want worship from others. And by doing this, he alienated himself from God and no longer was he in harmony with Jehovah’s will. Then that sinful attitude was manifested in the garden of Eden.
According to the Bible, the word "peace" means far more than just
an absence of war. It means good health, well-being, and safety.
Hint - on the program
"My word that goes out of my mouth... will not return to me without results,... and it will have ________ ________."
Isaiah 55:11
Sure success.
Jehovah's prophecies have a perfect record of success.
2nd question - Who will restore universal peace?
Genesis 3:15
Jesus Christ – the Prince of Peace
What were some of the things that we need to do to have peace in our family?
Love and respect for each other
Improve communication with one another
Work as a team
Worship together
What year were the walls of Jerusalem were completed in?
455 B.C.E.
What year did Jehovah anoint Jesus with Holy Spirit?
29 C.E.
3rd question: How will universal peace be restored?
Hint - 2 actions required.
1. Remove Satan and the peace disturbers
2. Undo all the evil that Satan has done
True Peace requires what 3 aspects?
Peace with Jehovah God
Peaceful relationship with others
Peace of heart and mind - personal peace - inner calm despite trials
What does the Copper belly and thighs of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image represent?
Hint -
Greek empire
332 B.C.E. - Medo-Persian Empire was overtaken by Greece
What do the Feet/Toes - Iron mixed with clay - in Nebuchadnezzar's dream image represent?
United States and Britain aka
Anglo-American World Power aka
Dual English-speaking world power
1914 to now
4th question - What future blessings will mankind enjoy at that time?
Psalm 72
Verse 1 - 4: All those under Satan’s rule who were lowly, beaten up, disadvantaged – all these will experience relief.
Verse 12 - 14: Each person’s life will be precious to Jesus Christ
Verse 5: Peaceful arrangement
How does Jehovah give us comfort and encourage us when we're experiencing trials/challenges?
2 Corinthians 1:3,4
Hint - Illustration of Father whose son is running in a marathon race.
Jehovah obviously is aware of our suffering. He feels for us. He wants to help us. It mentions he’s “the Father of tender mercies.”
It said that Jehovah gives us comfort. How does he do that? He gives us peace by means of his Word, the Bible; by means of holy spirit; and by the loving brother hood that we have.
What year did Jesus sacrifice his perfect human life?
33 C.E.
What does the Silver chest and arms of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image represent?
537 B.C.E. - Babylon had been overtaken by Medo-Persian empire
Universal Peace means?
Romans 16:20
Is a type of peace that is everywhere in heaven and on earth – in all aspects of life.
It’s the type of peace that only the God of peace, Jehovah, can bring along with the “Prince of Peace,” Jesus Christ.
Soon they will take dramatic steps toward the restoration of universal peace.
What is the title of 2022 Convention Song and last video of the convention showing us the blessings of the Thousand Year Reign and beyond?
What does the Legs of Iron in Nebuchadnezzar's dream image represent?
63 B.C.E. Rome became the dominant world power
What year was the Temple in Jerusalem inaugurated?
515 B.C.E.
We should not lose hope because with every trial Jehovah gives us what 3 forms of support?
Hint - Video highlighting how Jehovah lovingly helps us even in times of need
Material Support
Emotional Support
Spiritual Support
Why can we be so sure that Jesus will come soon?
Matthew 24:3
Hint - Illustration of strong password when using computer.
'Sign' of your presence - not 'Signs'
One 'Sign' with many different features - at least 24 different features
So even though there have been wars in the past, this is the time when we see all those features coming together at one time. And in that way, we could say it opens the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
What does the book of Revelation tell us that soon will happen?
The political rulers of the world will give the United Nations unprecedented power and authority.
Nations will declare “Peace and Security!” But it won’t prove to be true peace.
The nations supporting the UN will attack the institutions of false religion.
Then a coalition of earth’s governments that the prophet Ezekiel calls “Gog of the land of Magog” will attack God’s people.
Spell the King's name that Daniel interpreted his dream for?
During the Thousand Year Reign, what will Jesus accomplish?
3 aspects
He will undo all harm - sickness, war, disease, famine
He will undo death - by resurrecting those who have died
He will undo sin - by helping mankind to grow to perfection
1 Corinthians 15:24-28 mentions what about the end of the Thousand Year Reign?
End of the Kingdom arrangement
End to sin - mankind will no longer need the ransom or a mediator or priesthood
Graves will be empty
Mankind will all attain to perfection
Jehovah's name sanctified and his reputation vindicated
Jesus hands over the Kingdom back to his Father
All submit to Jehovah's rulership