AM 1: Be Ready to Share the Good News of Peace
AM 2: Video: How Brothers Enjoying Peace Despite
PM 1:
Peace Wreckers
PM 2: Seek Peace and Pursue / Safeguard Uniting Bond of Peace


The coupler at the back of each train car - what does this illustrate about the ministry?

The question we leave
with a householder at the end of a visit is what we can latch onto in our next visit.


What job did Miguel do when he lost his bank job?

Make bread


What does Haley do for work?

Makes jewelry and promotes it online with herself as the model


If a $100 bill blew away, you would try hard to pursue it and get it back. What is more important than this?

Peace with our brothers and sisters


What is Yuri eating in the food court video in "Take the Initiative"?

Don katsu


What town was consumed by a wildfire in 2018? 

Paradise, CA


What does Emily say that is dishonest after her conversation with Celia?

Emily said Celia said Haley needs to be more careful, and Emily should tell her she needs to stop.


"A chance to forgive is a chance to ___________?" Celia reminds Haley. 

Imitate Jehovah

How does "fight fire with fire" relate to the ministry?

Rekindle your own fire of zeal to counteract problems in the ministry


What did Feliks (Russian brother) learn he should stop saying?

How much worse can it get?


Jewish story: A malicious gossiper slanders a wise man. When asked for forgiveness, what one request does the wise man make?

Cut open a feather pillow and scatter the feathers to the wind. Then go gather all the feathers. 


When a sister criticizes Veronica for singing so loud, how do the other three sisters use their tongue wisely? 

She is the most hospitable person I know, she is a great cook. 


In what lessons of Enjoy Life Forever should we especially highlight Jehovah's qualities? 

Lessons 7-11


After reading a 2009 Awake, what steps did Nikki take to deal with depression?

Exercise, change diet, journaling (scriptures, articles, pictures for different aspects of depression), requested shepherding, got medical help


The elder counsels Jake w/Proverbs 18:17 in the parking lot after moving boxes. What does the scripture say?

"The first to state his case seems right, until the other party comes and cross-examines him."


What are some scenarios where different bros/sis may decide differently based on conscience?

Counting service time when working rural territory, entering a church on a guided tour, funeral or wedding in a church, blood fractions. 


Informal witnessing: What could you say to a person in a doctor's office waiting room?

Boy, I look forward to the day when I'll never be sick again. 


What will Antoinette do in the new system?

Jump for joy, enjoy food she could not enjoy, have many animals, learn how to make a house


What Biblical examples of envy were cited in the "Envy" talk?

Joseph's brothers

Korah Dathan Abiram


What 4 questions to ask when making a conscience decision?

1. What makes Jehovah happy?  2. How might my choice affect others? 3. Have I asked for counsel? 4) Did I take the time to meditate prayerfully before making my decision?