Communication Styles
Seek It
Tell It
Apply It

What does the Feedback Sandwhich method start with?

Something positive to warm up the discussion.


What quadrant does this fall in?

"You need to stop interrupting others. It's disruptive and disrespectful."

Telling It Like It Is


What is the purpose of seeking feedback?

To solicit feedback (criticism), give praise, give criticism, and gauge feedback


In planning how to TELL IT - what do you do BEFORE FEEDBACK?

Prepare and validate the need for feedback; think of clear and kind phrases that are specific and sincere


Once you have received feedback that you sought (SEEK IT), or that was delivered to you (TELL IT), you must take ACTION (APPLY IT) - Name one of two ways to go about it. 

  • I HEARD YOU - Confirm understanding by repeating back what you heard.
  • HERE’S WHAT I’LL DO - Communicate your intentions clearly.

Name one of the three things feedback SHOULD BE about.

behavior, performance, or actions


What quadrant does this fall in? 

"Good job on mastering the process."

Compassionate Avoidance. 


Name one of the four strategies for SEEKING FEEDBACK

Asking for Feedback Creates Trust; Prepare & Ask Often; Get Curious & Think Critically!; Accept & Welcome the Growth Opportunity


What should you be doing DURING FEEDBACK?

  • If you’re giving feedback, check to see if you’re understanding the receiver’s reaction.
  • If you’re receiving feedback, and you’re sensing the giver isn’t understanding you then it’s okay to let the giver know you’re not feeling heard.

Can shifting your mindset from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset help in handling feedback?



Name one of the two reasons to give feedback.

Reinforcement and/or Redirection


What quadrant does this fall in? 

"God knows what's going on with Becky, she has delayed the reports yet again. I bet she is going to delay it next week too!"



AFTER hearing FEEDBACK, what should you do?

  • Check in to see how things are going
  • Establish open channels of ongoing communication
  • Stay connected after giving feedback. 

Name one tip to DE-ESCALATE conflict using APPLY IT

-More kind and clear with criticism

-More specific and sincere with praise

-Private with criticism / public with praise





-On topic about behavior, performance or actions


Fill in the blanks. 

Praise is S_____ and S_____; Criticism is K___ and C____. 

Praise is Specific and Sincere; Criticism is Kind and Clear


What quadrant does this fall in?

"I value your leadership and the way you present our team's work. I want to make sure everyone gets the recognition they deserve, so let's make sure we acknowledge everyone's contributions during our meetings. This will help us build a stronger and more motivated team."

Telling It Like It Is In A Way That Can Be Heard