POV & Expected Behaviours
Asking for Help & Being Assertive
Cooperation & Compromise
Managing Conflicts & Problem Solving
Being a Good Sport

Your friend is really excited to tell you about their vacation. You walk away while they are talking. Would that make your friend feel good?

NO! Instead, you could ask questions and make comments about their vacation. 


Telling your friend: "You need to help me fix my homework right now!

Is that an appropriate way to ask for help?

NO! Instead, what would be an appropriate way to ask?


Is listening to your partner's suggestion on how to adjust your Lego house to make it stronger a good way to show compromise? 

YES! You are compromising and listening to your partner's ideas. 

Your friend sits in your chair, so you push them out of the chair. Is that an effective way to problem solve?

NO! What could you do instead?


You beat your friend in a game of Mario Party. You stand up and yell "LOSER!" Is that showing good sportsmanship?

NO! What would be a kinder thing to say?


Why would it be important to think about the size of the problem? 

So that we can match our reaction to the size of the problem. 


What kinds of feelings might come up because of not asking for help? 

Frustration, anxiety, confusion, being scared, feeling unsafe, etc. 


How does your friend feel when you compromise on something with them? 

Positive, happy, like they want to keep being your friend, etc.


What is telling?

It is when you're worried that you or someone else might get hurt so you inform an adult.


What is tuning in?

Noticing your OWN actions, and the actions of those around you. 


What does it mean to put yourself in someone else's shoes? 

It shows that you are making an effort to imagine how you would feel or act if you were in the same situation as that person. 


What is being assertive?

It is the ability to express your thoughts and feelings in an open, honest, and direct way. 


What is compromise? 

Giving up part of what you want, to let someone have part of what they want.


What is tattling?

When you tell on someone when you want them to get in trouble. 


What does it mean to be a good sport? 

Stay positive and calm, support your friends and teammates, follow the rule. 


Why is it important to respect another person’s point of view?

To work well with others, to get along with others, to show we care about what others think and feel. 


What does it mean to accept help?

When someone offers us assistance, we say yes and let them show us or help us to get something done or solve a problem. 


You are having a sleepover with your friend. They want to watch the new Sonic movie, and you want to watch the new Mario movie. How can you compromise?

You can work together to pick a movie that you would both like. 


What is an example of a problem-solving step?

  1. Identify the problem
  2. Determine the size of the problem. Do you need an adult’s help? 
  3. Think of at least 2 possible solutions 
  4. Pick the best solution to try 
  5. Decide if the problem is solved

You are playing Hide & Seek with your friends. You get out first. How should you act?

Accept loosing, remain calm, say "good game." 


What is an example of a BIG deal?

What is an example of a LITTLE deal?

BIG: something we need help to solve 

LITTLE: something you can solve on our own


When is a time you were assertive? 

Any time you were open and honest about your feelings!


When is a time you have compromised on something?

Any time that you gave up part of what you wanted, to let someone have part of what they want!


Your best friend chose to be partners with someone else. That hurt your feelings. How can you manage this conflict?

Communicate your feelings, take a break, stay respectful, etc. 


How have you shown good sportsmanship? 

Played fair, said "good game," stayed positive, followed the rules, etc.