MLB #5
MLB #6
MLB #7
MLB #8
MLB 1-4

This is the title of Mutual Learning Behavior #5.

What is “Focus on Interest, Not Position”?


This is the title of Mutual Learning Behavior #6

What is “Test Assumptions and Inferences”?


This is the title of Mutual Learning Behavior #7.

What is “Jointly Design Next Steps”?


This is the title of Mutual Learning Behavior #8.

What is “Discuss the Undiscussable Issues”?


This is the first Mutual Learning Behavior.

What is state views and ask genuine questions?


Mutual Learning Behavior #5 states this is the reason why listing pros and cons doesn't work. 

What is focusing on pros and cons can easily pull a team apart? 


Mutual Learning Behavior #6 states you are doing this when you draw conclusion about things you don't know based on things you do know

What is Making an inference?


These are the two things you must do when planning a meeting using joint design.

What is agree on the meeting purpose and agree on the meeting process?


The author defines this as undiscussable issues.

What are topics that are relevant to the team's work, but the team members don't address them in the team?


This Mutual Learning Behavior states: Explain reasoning and intent

What is Mutual Learning Behavior #4?


Mutual Learning Behavior#5 states this approach(mindset) to solving problems can waste time and damage relationships.

What is don't come with a problem unless you have a solution?


This is how we tell ourselves stories.

What is Ladder of inference?


This is the minimum requirement for joint design.

What is genuinely ask for feedback on your purpose and then genuinely consider the feedback before making a decision? 


These are the first three steps in the process of preparing for undiscussable issues.

What are:

1. State the issue you want to talk about and your reasoning for discussing it?

2. If relevant, share your concern about risk and try to reduce it.

3. If appropriate, ask if the others are willing to discuss it.


This Mutual Learning Behavior states: Use specific examples and agree on what important words mean

What is Mutual Learning Behavior 3?


This is the first step in building commitment. 

What is Identify interest?


These are the 3 steps on the ladder of inference

What are: 

1. Observe & select?

2. Make meaning?

3. Choose how to respond?


In the summary of behaviors, the author highlights these three areas for Mutual Learning Behavior #7

What are:

1. Put purpose before process before content?

2. Keep the meeting on track?

3. Resolve disagreements over facts?


These are the last three steps in the process of preparing for undiscussable issues.

What are:

4. Jointly design how you will have the conversation?

5. Bring the conversation to the team if you didn't raise it there initially?

6. Repeat steps 1-4 with the team?


Mutual Learning Behavior #2 states leaders must be this when sharing all relevant information.

What is transparent?


These are the 4 steps to building interest.

What are: 

1. Identify interest?

2. Agree on interests to consider in the solution?

3. Craft solutions that meet the interest?

4. Select a solution and implement it?


The author states this will happen when you test your inference firsthand. 

What is getting huge improvements in results and in the relationships you build?


He is the Kaptivating Assistant Superintendent who Promised to Turnaround some of the lowest performing schools in the School District Philadelphia which led to tremendous Acceleration in the Network. 

Who is Dr. Eric Becoats?


These are the dynamic, dedicated Principals of Cohort 4.

Who are: Serena Amos, Tara Brown, Dywonne Davis-Harris, Matthew Hayes, Angela Edwards and Dawn Moore?


These are the first four mutual learning behaviors.

What are: 

1. State views and ask genuine questions?

2. Share all relevant information?

3. Use specific examples and agree on what important words mean?

4. Explain reasoning and intent?