Middle School
Heathy Habits

Your friends want you to join them in making fun of someone. What would you do?

Any of the following - 

  • Politely decline and change the subject

  • Walk away and ignore them

  • Tell them you don't feel comfortable and that the other person may feel badly. 


Your friend is upset about something but doesn't want to talk. What's one way you can help support them?

Any of the following (And More!) - 

  • Give them space

  • Offer a comforting gesture

  • Share a joke to cheer them up


What is the name of the school the 6th grader's attend in Needham?

High Rock School


Name a hobby or activity that helps you feel relaxed.

No wrong answers! 

You're given the chance to try a new after-school club that you're interested in, but it clashes with your sports practice. What would you do?

Any of the following (and more):

  • Quit the sports team and join the club

  • Skip the club to continue with sports

  • Try to find a compromise or balance both activities

  • Avoid both the club and sports and focus on schoolwork


If you noticed a peer sitting along at lunch, what could you do to make them feel included?

Any of the following (And More!) - 

  • Join them and start a conversation

  • Invite them to sit with your group


How many clusters of 6th graders do they have at High Rock?



What is a healthy coping skill? Teams can give either a definition or example. 

Definition - Healthy strategies that help to manage stressful situations. 

Example - Taking and walk, journaling, breathing exercises, etc. 


You have a big project due tomorrow, but your friends invite you to play your favorite game. What would you do?

Answer could include - 

  • Decline and finish the project first

  • Do a little of both throughout the day


If you and a friend were in a fight or had a disagree, name 2 things you can do to help resolve it. 

Any of the following (And More)- 

  • Apologize first to keep the peace

  • Talk openly about your feelings

  • Give each other space

  • Find an adult to help


How many cluster teachers will you have once you get to High Rock?



Name 2 things you could do if you were stressed about a test. 

Any of the following (and more!) - 

- Talk to a trusted adult

- Use your coping skills  - breathing, going for a walk, listening to music

- Study with a friend

- Go see your teacher before the test for extra help.


You're doing a group project and someone isn't pulling their weight, how do you address the situation?

No wrong answers! 


What would you do if a new person joins your lunch table, but there isn't enough room for everyone.

No wrong answers! 


Name 1 fun event or trip that you'll get to do once you get to high rock! Hint: The Wellness Club members listed a few at the start of our lesson!! 

Any of the following, And More!

 - Greek Day

 - Barter Day

 - Great pig-race

- MFA Field Trip

- Field Day


Name one thing you could do if you felt like you were struggling with school work next year. 

Any of the following - 

- See my teachers for afterschool support

- Ask my friends if we could study together

- Email your teacher and let them know

- Seek out a trusted adult at home or at school


What would you do if you saw a classmate being bullied?

Any of the following (and more!):

 - Tell a trusted adult who can help

- Be an Upstander and say something to the students being mean

- Try and help the classmate in need


Your friends have a secret group chat that you aren't in, how would you manage this situation if you wanted to remain friends with them?

No wrong answers - Could be the following - 

 - Ask a trusted adult to help

 - Confront your friends and explain that it hurts you

 - Ask your friends why they would do that and try and understand where they're coming from

 - Give yourself from space from those friends for the time being. 


What time does High Rock start AND end their day?

Start - 7:40

End - 2:10


Name 2 signs of stress

Any of the following -

- Stomach aches

- Headaches

- Having trouble focusing 

- Feeling overwhelmed

- Trouble sleeping 

Any more that you know?