Before facing Goliath, David expressed confidence that God had delivered him from two other dangers while shepherding his father’s flock. What were those dangers?
lion and a bear
In 2 Samuel 11, what was the name of the woman with whom King David committed adultery?
For several days, Goliath came to taunt the Israelites. For all those days, how often did Goliath come out to taunt the Israelites in those days?
twice a day
First born of Jesse
In the aftermath of the battle with Goliath, the Israelites pursued the Philistines. What was the name of the city that the Philistines had to flee to?
In 1 Samuel 17, when Saul tried to armor David, David rejected the offer. What reason did David give for not wearing the king’s armor?
What is that he was not used to them?
After Bathsheba became pregnant, David attempted to cover up his sin by summoning her husband, Uriah. What was Uriah’s position in the army?
a Hittite soldier and a loyal warrior in David’s army
For how many days did Goliath come forward?
40 days
How many of Jesse's sons went to war, excluding David
In what season did Kings go to war?
Spring Season
Before facing Goliath, David made a bold statement about God’s involvement in his battle. What did David declare about how the Lord would act in this fight?
What is that the Lord will deliver Goliath into his hands, just as He had delivered the lion and bear into his hands?
To cover up his sin, David ordered Uriah to be placed in the most dangerous part of the battle, leading to Uriah’s death. Who was the commander of the army who carried out David's order?
Where was Goliath from?
Second born of Jesse
Uriah the ......... is dead.
After David defeated Goliath, he took Goliath's head to Jerusalem, but the rest of Goliath's armor was placed where?
in Saul’s tent?
What did David do after he woke up according to 2 Samuel 11:2
Walked on the roof of the king's house
How tall was Goliath, according to the description in 1 Samuel 17?
Six cubits and a span
Third born of Jesse
Reward for killing Goliath
David’s confrontation with Goliath was a turning point in his life. Which psalm, often attributed to David, reflects his trust in God’s protection before the battle?
Psalm 23
I mentioned that in a certain translation BIBLE said Bathsheba translation Bathsheba was beautiful to behold. What was the translation?
What did David say to the Philistine in verse 45
You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel.
Where was Jesse from and from which tribe?
Bethlehem in Judah, an Ephrathite (Ephraim)
When I gave my submission, I focused on one very important principle in life we must all follow. What was that principle.
Hint: David had this principle.