Leader Leader
Eat em Up
What the Riddle!

Who is this famous Canadian Prime Minister?

Who is John A. Macdonald


Out of all these candies, which one is not Canadian? Aero, Caramilk, Smarties, Coffee Crisp, Eatmore, Snickers, Jersey Milk.

What is Snickers


I have no feet, no hands, no wings, but I climb to the sky. What am I?

What is smoke


On which continent are the Andes Mountain range found?

What is South America. The start in Venezuela, then pass through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile 


Who is this famous American President?

Who is John F. Kennedy


In the world, what 3 fruits considered to be the most popular?

What is Bananas, Apples, Grapes


When can you add two to eleven and get one as the correct answer?

When its 11 o'clock and you add 2 hours to be at 1 o'clock


This capitol city is the most northern in the world. Can you name the city or the country?

It is Reykjavik, Iceland 


Who is this famous leader from Russia?

Who is Joseph Stalin


What type of fruit is a banana? 

A: Stone Fruit  B: Simple Fruit  C: Berry Fruit  D: Aggregate Fruit

What is C a Berry


You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?

What is a telephone


How many Great Lakes are there in Canada?

5 there is Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, & Superior

Who is this Prime Minister from England?

Who is Winston Churchill


This type of sea food used to be used as a fertilizer in colonial times and was even known as the "poor man's food"?

What is Lobster


If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I?

A secret


On which continent would you find this flag? 

What is Africa, this is the flag of Guyana


Who is this famous leader?

Who is Fidel Castro


When ketchup was first invented, they did not use tomatoes. What vegetable did they use instead?

What is Mushrooms


A horse was tied to a rope 5 meters long and the horse's food was 15 meters away from the horse. How did the horse reach the food?

The rope wasn't tied to anything so he could reach the food.


Vatican City is known as the smallest country in the world & Europe. There is another city in Europe that is also considered a country which is it?

A: Luxembourg  B: Paris   C: London  D: Monaco

What is Monaco