We have taken a difficult job
Very common, very dirty
Eliza was not afraid of being accused of stealing her clothes
What small talk topic can Eliza talk about?
Weather and everybody's health
Her English is almost as good as your ....
You both act like babies playing with your doll
Mrs. Higgins
has a natural gift for public speaking
Alfred Doolittle
Higgins was upset that the experiment was over
What does it mean when Mr. Higgins describes Eliza as useful?
Because she knows where everything is and she makes a note of all his appointments, besides she is the most absorbing project that he has ever taken on.
Is she a servant? Is she ..... ? What is she? Who exactly is Eliza?
the lady of the house
People will think we are old-fashioned if you don't get used to it
had an incredibly hairy face with an enormous moustache and thick whiskers and eyebrows
An old lady compared Eliza's speech with the Hungarian
False with Queen Victoria
Mrs. Higgins said when Eliza came to live with you, she brought a problem with her. What was the problem?
the problem of what to do with Eliza once the project is finished.
You don't care, I'm nothing to you! You care more about your .....
You have not lost it, You have won it ten times over
Colonel Pickering
the famous professor of morality
The hostess asked her servant to find out everything about the lady.
False Nepommuck
What was the reason why Alfred inherited money?
Professor thought he was the greatest moralist there ever was
You have called the police. As if Eliza was ......! You two have no more sense
lost umbrella
See what you have done to me! Ruined me. Destroyed my happiness
Mr. Alfred Doolittle
elderly gentleman rushing out of the rain, closing his wet umbrella and shaking the water from his coat
Colonel Pickering
During the experiment, there were times when Pickering was afraid.
What does it mean when Eliza says the true difference between a lady and a flower girl is how she's treated?
She says that even though Higgins was the one who trained the flower girl to become a duchess, Pickering always treated her like a duchess, even when she was a flower girl. His treatment of her taught her not phonetics, but self-respect.
Take anything you want except .... they are hired