Mysteries of the Faith
Jesus Saves Us

What happens to us when we are Baptized?

We become children of God, or we join God's family.


What is the object of something? What is the intention of something?

The object is what it is that you are doing, the intention is why you are doing it.


What is the Trinity?

The Trinity is Three Persons, One God


How did Jesus save us?

Jesus saved us by dying on the cross.


What is grace?

Grace is a share in God's life

What do the sacraments give us?

The sacraments give us grace.


What is a sin?

When we know something is wrong and we do it anyway.


What is the role of the Father?

The role of the Father is creator, for He made everything in the universe.


Where does all grace come from?

All grace comes from Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.


What prayer did Jesus teach us?

Jesus taught us the Our Father.

What are the Sacraments of Initiation? (three answers)

Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion


What is a mortal sin?

A mortal sin is a sin so serious it breaks our relationship with God.


What is the Incarnation?

The Incarnation is the Son, Jesus, coming to earth fully man and fully God.


What is the religious meaning of sacrifice?

Sacrifice is an offering to God.


Where does our faith come from?

Israelites were taught to worship by God, creating the Jewish faith. Jesus taught the Jews, transforming it into the Christian faith.


What is vocation? What are the vocational sacraments?

Vocation is a calling in life. The vocational sacraments are matrimony and holy orders.


What three conditions must be met in order for something to be considered a mortal sin?

Grave matter, full knowledge, and full consent.


How does the Holy Spirit make us holy through the Church?

The Holy Spirit makes us holy by giving us grace through the sacraments of the Church.


Why did Jesus offer himself up on the cross?

Jesus offers himself on the cross to forgive all of our sins, past, present, and future.


Give two reasons as to why the Jewish people sacrificed animals to God.

They sacrificed animals to ask God for forgiveness, and also sacrificed animals to thank God for something He did for them.


Why is Confession and the Anointing of the Sick called the Sacraments of Healing?

They are called Sacraments of Healing because they heal us from sin, and bring us closer to God.


Which sacraments heal us from sin?

Baptism, Confession, and Holy Communion


Why does Jesus need to be fully divine?

Jesus needs to be fully divine, because if he wasn't, then he cannot save us for only God saves and elevates mankind


Why is Holy Communion a special sacrament?

Holy Communion is a special sacrament because we receive grace through the body and blood of Jesus, which is the same body and blood that Jesus offers in his sacrifice in which we receive all grace.


Jesus teaches his disciples to pray, "and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." What does Jesus mean when he says this?

Jesus tells us to ask God to protect us from temptation, the feeling of wanting to do something even though we know it's wrong, and to also protect us from evil.