Square Roots
Is it a Right Triangle
Solve for the missing leg/hyp.
Word Problems
What is the formula for Pythagorean Theorem?
What is a^2+b^2 = c^2

What is the square root of 49 to the nearest tenth? Is this number Rational or Irrational?

What is 7, rational.


A triangle with sides that are 6, 8, and 10

What is a right triangle

Find the hypotenuse, c, when a = 3 and b = 4
What is 5
John leaves school to go home. He walks 6 blocks North and then 8 blocks west. How far is John from the school? *Write your answer in the context of the problem
What is 10 blocks
What is the opposite side to the right angle in a triangle called?
What is hypotenuse

What is the square root of 63 to the nearest tenth place? Is the square root of 63 rational or irrational?

What is 7.9, irrational.

A triangle with sides 7, 9, and 11
What is NOT a right triangle
Find a if b = 5 and c = 10?
What is 9
Find the height of a tree if there is a ladder leaning against it that is 10 feet tall and it is 5 feet away from the base of the tree. *Write your answer in the context of the problem
What is 8.7 feet
Either of the sides in a right triangle opposite an acute angle is called?
What is a leg

What is the square root of 581 to the nearest tenth? Is the square root of 581 rational or irrational?

What is 24.1, irrational.


Is a triangle with the sides 3, square root of 7, and 4 a Right Triangle?

What is Yes 16 = 16

Find the hypotenuse, c, when a = 8 and b = 15
What is 17
Joshua won a laptop in a school raffle. The laptop screen measures 10 inches in height and 24 inches in width. Find the diagonal length of the laptop screen. *Write your answer in the context of the problem
What is 26 inches

What is the square root of 400 to the nearest tenth

What is 20, rational.

A triangle with sides 15, 36, and 39
What is a right triangle
Find the hypotenuse, c, when a = 15 and b = 20
What is 25
A ladder 13 m long is placed on the ground in such a way that it touches the top of a vertical wall 12 m high. Find the distance of the foot of the ladder from the bottom of the wall. *Write your answer in the context of the problem
What is 5 meters

What is the negative square root of 20 to the nearest tenth? Is the square root of 20 rational or irrational?

What is -4.5, irrational.

A triangle with sides 1.5, 2.5, and 4.0
What is NOT a right triangle
If the hypotenuse is twice "a" and "a" is 7 what is b
What is 12
Rachel bought a rug for her apartment. The rug is 11 feet long and 9 feet wide. Find the diagonal length of the rug. *Write your answer in the context of the problem
What is 14.2 feet