Parts of Speech
Context Clues/ Inferences
Literary Terms

What is the ADVERB in this sentence: Mrs. Shelley quietly handed out the vocabulary quizzes.

What is quietly?


An educated guess made using context clues and prior knowledge is known as...

What is an inference?


The beginning of a story where the reader learns about the characters, setting, and background information:

What is exposition? 


To stray off or trail behind:

What is straggle?


What does the italicized word mean in this sentence: 

He's always bragging about his prowess on the soccer field. To be fair, he does score the most goals. 

What is skills?

What is talent?


What is the COLLECTIVE noun in this sentence: The loud audience cheered for the cast of the play when the show was over!

What is audience?


What does the italicized word mean in this sentence: 

Early in the morning, the loon flew over the water before landing for a dip.

What is a type of duck/ bird?


A problem in the story that occurs in the character's mind:

What is internal conflict?

To be filled with wonder or asonishment:

What is marvel?


What does the italicized word mean in this sentence: 

Lily is very resourceful. When her family was lost on a hike, she used the moss on the trees, position of the sun, and different tracks to help them find their way back. 

What is able to find solutions to problems?

What is creative/ clever/ smart/ talented?


What is the SINGULAR, COMMON NOUN in this sentence: Yesterday, Mary bought a new shirt from the store.

What is shirt?


What does the italicized phrase mean in this sentence:

Marcus came across a fork in the road. He didn't know which way was the right way to go. 

What is a split in the road? 

What is a decision to be made?


Finding similarities and differences between characters or scenes in a story is known as:

Hint: you can use a Venn Diagram to help

What is compare and contrast?


Lacking strength or endurance:

What is feeble?


If you are having trouble with a reading comprehension multiple choice question on the benchmark, what should you do?

What is look back in the passage?


What is the ADVERB in the sentence: The car abruptly stopped in the middle of the street after seeing a deer in the road.

What is abruptly?


Make an inference, how old do you think the characters are?

The students ran around the playground all afternoon.  Some were playing on the jungle gym, while others were playing tag.  The teacher blew the whistle, and the students lined up two by two, holding hands.  They went back upstairs and were excited to sit on the carpet for story time.

What is pre-k/ kindergarten? 


The turning point of a story when the conflict begins to become resolved:

What is climax?


Humorously sarcastic or mocking; dry humor:

What is wry?


When writing your open response on the benchmark, what should you do first?

What is carefully read the directions? 


What is the COLLECTIVE NOUN and the ADVERB in this sentence: The class loudly cheered when they found out they won the Dojo War!

COLLECTIVE NOUN: What is class?

ADVERB: What is loudly?


What does the italicized word mean in this sentence: 

The man was very argumentative, and wasn't going to let his friend win.

What is likes to argue?

What is likes to disagree?


When writing a diary entry about a normal day at school, what words MUST you include to help map out the day?

What are transition words?

To be confused or puzzled:

What is baffle?


If the open response question asks you to write a diary entry from a character's perspective, what should you do?

What is pretend you are the character?

What is use the pronouns I, me, we, and us?

What is put myself into the character's shoes and write as if I were them?