Narrative Elements
Making Inferences
Narrative Structure
Word Analysis

Where and when a story takes place; how much time is covered in a story (duration)

What is setting?

Two things are needed to make an inference: what you already know and what?

What is text evidence?

Readers meet the characters and learn the setting in the __________________.

What is the exposition?


Although I was unable to understand all of the details of the presentation, I did get the GIST of it.

What does GIST mean?

What is the main idea/summary?


Which sentence is not written correctly?

A. We walked up the staircase through the door.

B. The principal half turned to look at us over her glasses. 

C. Like in the first grade.

D. I would learn to overcome many fears because of this experience.

What is letter C?


The problem in a story is called the ...

What is conflict?


Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. What can you infer about the type of work Paul does?

What is he works in a job outside or in construction?

Which part of the plot diagram is the end of the story?

What is the resolution?


Which word contains a suffix meaning "without"?

A) domesticated

B) shameless

C) cautious

D) persistently

What is letter B, shameless?


Identify the run-on sentence:

A. I like longer road trips, but my friend does not.

B.We talked about the concert for weeks we got our tickets on sale.

C. The road trip lasted 5 hours, so we listened to our favorite songs in the car the entire way.

D. We made several stops for snacks and drinks.

What is letter B?


The character who works against the main character is called the...

What is antagonist?


A siren is heard going past the school. Students could see blue and red lights flashing through the windows.

What evidence supports that there is an emergency?

What is a siren or blue/red lights?


The most intense part of the story is called the climax. Following the climax is the _____________.

What is the falling action?


A tweet on Twitter must be TERSE, and it can only contain 160 characters.

What does TERSE mean?

What is short or brief?


Which word would be best used to add a more descriptive replacement for angry in the sentence below. 

     By this time, Dr. Crum was ANGRY. 

A. moody

B. bothered

C. upset

D. furious

What is letter D?

What is the type of conflict in the text below? Character v. ____________

Ms. Barham could not hear the front office call her walkie talkie because her walkie talkie battery was dead.

What is technology?


Today I was late for my volleyball game. Mom pulled the car over several times to study the map she had printed off the Internet. Mom even made me go into a convenience store to see if I could get some help in there. When we finally got to the gym, the girls on my team were almost finished warming up. 

Why was the student late for the game?

What is mom got lost/could not find the game?

The rising action contains the major__________.

What is the conflict?


In Pennsylvania, there is a TRADITION to watch a groundhog to see if winter will end soon, or if it will continue.

Which word is a synonym for TRADITION in this sentence?

A) habit

B) custom

C) rehearsal

D) routine                                   




What is letter B, custom?


How can Shelly best revise this sentence so that it is not a run-on?

A) Ted was in trouble he did not clean his room.

B) Ted was in trouble therefore he did not clean his room.

C) Ted was in trouble, He did not clean his room.

D) Ted was in trouble because he did not clean his room.

What is letter D?

What is the type of conflict in the text below? Character v. ____________

Before school, the students stood outside protesting not being allowed to wear hats in the building. 

What is society?


You are walking outside and go past the cafeteria door and have to step over a face down slice of pizza, and walk around a spilled milk, and you see a trash can tipped over. The principal is talking to two students who look upset. What can you infer about what happened?

What is a fight, food fight, or knocked the trash can down?


What part of the plot diagram jump starts the story? The story would not happen without the________.

What is the initating/inciting event


Typewriters became OBSOLETE with the development of personal computers.

What does OBSOLETE mean?

What is out-dated/no longer relevant?


Read the sentence.

Almost every person in Asia EATS rice as part of his or her diet.

What is the correct way to write EATS in the sentence?





What is "leave as is"?