That's Catchy
(Brand/Slogan Edition)
Gone Wild
(Animal Edition)
Yum Yum in My Tum Tum
(Food Edition)
Was That Really 30yrs Ago?
(90s Edition)
Going for Gold
(Olympics Edition)

“Easy, breezy, beautiful…”

What is Covergirl?


This marsupial’s diet consists mostly of eucalyptus leaves and 40% of its population has chlamydia.

What is a koala?


This is a French vegetable dish and is also the name of a popular Pixar movie.

What is ratatouille?


This Japanese digital pet toy was first released in 1996.

What is Tamagotchi?


This Olympian holds the record for the most Olympics medals won by any athlete, including 23 gold, 3 silver, and 2 bronze medals.

Who is Michael Phelps?


“Taste the Rainbow”

What are Skittles?


A grouping of this pink animal is called a "flamboyance."

What is a flamingo?


This purple skin produce is the star ingredient of Baba Ghanoush.

What is an eggplant?

(Eggplants are technically a fruit as they are the flowering part of the plant)


This popular children's anime show that started in 1996 spawned a series of best-selling video games and a tradable card game.

What is Pokémon?


He is the first athlete to have won both the 100 m race and 200 m race simultaneously. He is also considered to be the fastest man in the world.

Who is Usain Bolt?


“The snack that smiles back”

What is Goldfish?


This mammal is the largest living animal and one of the loudest animals on Earth. It can reach speeds of 30km/h and live up to 100 years.

What is a blue whale?


This root vegetable is extremely starchy and high in carbohydrates. It can be fried, boiled and put in stews, turned into a yellow sauce (tucupi), or turned into a flour. The starch can also be extracted into tapioca balls and added to bubble tea.

What is cassava (English) / mandioca (Portuguese)?

(This plant is native to Brazil. Although bubble tea originated in Taiwan and is popular all over the world, the tapioca balls are imported from South America.)


Intelligence agencies banned this children's toy from offices and bases over fears the microphone could be used to eavesdrop.

What is Furby.


Consisting of Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Karl Malone, Charles Barkley and Patrick Ewing "The Dream Team" brought America gold in this year.

What is 1992


“Like a good neighbour [...] is there”

What is State Farm?


This egg-laying mammal lactates milk through their sweat glands and is native to Australia.

What is a platypus? 

(The plural for platypus is not platypus, platypi, or platypuses – it’s actually platypodes)


In 2006, the Chicago City Council banned restaurants in the city from selling this goose liver dish.

What is foie gras?


Originally developed in partnership with Nintendo; this home gaming console went on to be the biggest seller of the '90s - sorry Mario.

What is the Playstation One


The standard amount of actual gold in any Olympian's gold medal.

What is 6 grams


“Give me a break, give me a break! Break me off a piece of that […]”

What is Kit Kat Bar?


This flightless bird went extinct in the 1690s and lived on the island of Mauritius.

What is a Dodo?


This sandwich favourite is so high in carbon that under the right pressure and temperature, it'll produce diamonds.  

What is Peanut Butter.


First appearing in the show Ally McBeal, some have argued this is the original meme.

What is the Dancing Baby


Following an historic eighth Olympic appearance, this gymnast announced her retirement at the 2021 games; having first appeared in 1992. 

Who is Oksana Chusovitina