A person, a place or a thing.
What is a noun?
A period (.)
What is a type of punctuation that can end a sentence?
The town you live in
Melville, Farmingdale, Dix Hills, Wheatley Heights, etc.
A shorter version of a story put in your own words.
What is a summary?
The person who writes a piece of literature.
What is an author?
A word that describes an action.
What is a verb?
A comma (,)
What punctuation is used to separate ideas?
The state you live in
New York (NY)
The moral/lesson or what the story is trying to teach you?
What is Central Message?
A person who recounts the events of a story or a poem.
What is a narrator?
A word that describes something.
What is an adjective?
An exclamation point (!)
What is used at the end of a sentence to express a strong feeling?
The country you live in
United States of America (USA)
The point of the story.
What is Main Idea?
The time and where a story takes place.
What is the setting?
Names of people or places that are always capitalized.
What is a Proper Noun?
Always capitalized when talking about one's self.
What is "I"?
The continent you live on
North America
How a character acts, thinks, and feels.
What are Character Traits?
Literature especially short stories ad novels, that describes imaginary events and people.
What is fiction?
I, me, we, you, he, she, yours, us, who, and whom.
What are examples of pronouns?
A Question Mark (?)
What type of punctuation is used to form a question?
The capital of NY
A conclusion or opinion that is formed because of known facts or evidence.
What is an Inference?
Writing that is based on facts, real events and real people, such as a biography or history.
What is non-fiction or informational text?