Why do I provide you with PSAT words?
For you to be ready for the PSAT test you take every year.
What was the main thing that was built by Kamkwamba?
Drawing on the water.
Define "disdain".
Lacking or not worthy of respect.
Which was the saddest part, according to most of you (students)?
when the dog died.
What year were the terracotta figurines found?
¿Qué producen las abejas?
Miel, polen, jalea real (cualquier respuesta es válida)
What is the difference between an "adjective" and an "adverb".
Adjective: modifies a noun or pronoun.
Adverb: modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb.
Where did the book take place (Hint: country, not continent)
Describe the social pyramid (status).
1. Emperor / King
2. nobles
3. artisans
4. farmers
5. slaves
Describe la bandera de España.
Colores y lo que está dentro (general).
Amarillo y rojo. Un escudo.
What does SVO stand for?
Which was the second most important thing Kamkwamba created?
the radio
Describe Chinese topography (from east to west).
East: Himalayas and Plateau of Tibet
Center: Gobi dessert
West: rivers, wet, crops
Responder con una frase completa:
El camareo te pregunta: "¿Qué quieres ordenar?"
Quiero ...
Me gustaría ...
Me puedes traer ...
For vocabulary words, you'll always get the part of speech. Provide the 4 main types. Why are they important?
If you provide the 5th type, you'll get an extra 100.
noun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, PREPOSITION.
Important: in order to know how to use the word in a sentence.
Which were the main items/objects used to create the windmill?
What were oracle bones?
During which dynasty?
Oracle bones: first writing system of ancient China
During the Shang Dynasty.
¿Qué es una comunidad autónoma?
Dar un ejemplo.
Es como un estado (state) de EEUU.
Ejemplos: varios