2nd Industrial Revolution
A movement in 1800s where manufacturing and scientific advancements rapidly increased
How did the United States react to the Treaty of Versailles? Why?
The did not sign in, therefore not joining the League of Nations, because they wanted to become isolated from world affairs
The four M.A.I.N. causes of WWI
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism
Define propaganda
Information given to influence people’s opinions; typically, only one side of a topic is given to influence opinions
James Bond's code name.
To add something (territory) within your country
What was the purpose of the League of Nations?
To prevent future wars (failed)
The overthrow of the Hawaiian gov't is an example of a _____.
Coup D’etat
What is the difference between a robber baron and a captain of industry?
RB: Unethical way of using and/or accumulating money
CoI: Uses their money in a positive way
The four Presidents on Mount Rushmore
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln
Money U.S borrows from investors that gets payed back with interest---Usually for a specific project
What was the United States’ initial view on WWI? Why?
The U.S. remained neutral because they thought it would be a short war and to avoid tension amongst newly immigrated Europeans.
This "spark" started WWI
Ellis Island and Angel Island were _____. Also cite the difference.
Immigration centers during the Gilded Age.
E.I.: European immigration in New York
A.I.: Asian immigration in San Fransisco
The capital of Wyoming
"The belief in the importance of national identity and the desire for political independence and self determination"
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Why was trench warfare so common in WWI?
Trenches protected militaries from the technological advancements
What are three movements the Progressive Era was known for?
Womens' suffrage, rise of labor unions, anti-corruption, etc.
Define push and pull factors and give an example of each.
Push: something that causes you to leave where you live (ex. wars)
Pull: something that causes you to move where you are going (ex. job opportunities)
This occasion corresponds with the longest day of the year.
Summer solstice
Gilded Age
A time in U.S. history where old and new ideas clashed and there was rapid economic growth
What were the three ways in which the Treaty of Versailles punished Germany?
1. Eliminate their military
2. Lose their colonies
3. Pay reparations
The Spanish-American War was largely started through the use of this
How did the United States’ view on imperialism change during the Gilded Age? Provide an example
The U.S. went from not being involved in imperialism, to annexing territories in order to keep up w/European countries (ex. Hawaii, Puerto Rico)
The only food that can never go bad.