Wordy Wednesdays
Author's Purpose
Main Idea

an unexpected event

What is situational irony?


life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are...

What are unalienable rights?


What do all three letters in PIE stand for?

Persuade, Inform, Entertain


If you are feeling sad, you can make yourself feel better by doing a few simple things. You can take a walk (or get another form of exercise), you can talk to a friend, or you can write down your feelings. Writing down the good things in your life will help too. Doing something good for someone else will also help you feel better. If you still feel a little sad, act happy. It works like magic to make you feel better!

What is there are many different ways to make yourself feel better?


When the audience knows something that another character does not know.

What is dramatic irony?



what is verbal irony?


A main branch of a tree.

What is bough?


I think dogs make the best pets! They are much nicer than lots of other animals, and they are very smart. You can train them to do all sorts of things. Dogs are definitely better than all other pets!

What is persuade the audience to buy a dog?


Have you ever noticed that there are many different markings on the road? These markings keep drivers safe on the road. White lines along the edge of the road show where the road ends. White or yellow dashed lines mark the different lanes. A double yellow line tells you that traffic will be going in the other direction on the other side.

What is the markings on the road signal different things to drivers and keep them safe?


Identify the sentence structure:

While running down the street, Jerrica fell and dropped a cup.

What is simple?


When a movie shows us a scene of someone going somewhere to go see someone by surprise and that person does not know.

What is dramatic irony?


A principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy.

What is tenet?


If you want to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, you need bread, jelly, and peanut butter. Put the peanut butter on one side and the jelly on the other. Finally, put the two sides together to make your sandwich.

What is inform the audience on how to make a PB&J sandwich?


Hurricanes are large, intense storms that begin over the ocean, where they gather heat and energy from the water. Hurricanes move slowly toward land, usually moving 10-20 miles per hour for more than one week. The most dangerous part of the hurricane is the storm surge, when it reaches land and causes flooding. Wind and waves also contribute to the damage caused by these surges.

What is Hurricanes are dangerous storms?


Identify the Wordy Wednesday:

To carry the weight of; take responsibility for, manage to tolerate

What is bear?


You are watching a football game between the super bowl defending champs and the second to last team in the league. The defending champs lost.

What is situational irony?


Having or displaying a passionate intensity.

What is fervently?


Maroon 5 has won 7 Grammy's 2 Oscars, and 4 VMA awards in the last 4 years. Join Sasha dance studio if you want your child to be the next Adam Levine. You want to invest in your child, its the right thing to do.

What is inform the reader on Maroon 5's achievements and persuade readers to join Sasha's dance studio.


You can go swimming, diving and even build your dream house using sand. If you don’t like any of those activities, you can play volleyball with your friends. Another good thing to do on the beach is to lie down on the sand and sunbathe. You will get a nice tan. 

What is there are many activities to do while at the beach?


Identify the sentence structures:

Until the semester ends, you should review concepts in your Digital Notebook so that you are better prepared for the tests in class.

Patrice went to the movies with her friends even though her parents grounded her and forbid her from going.

What are complex sentences?


On the way to work, the mechanic's engine begins overheating, and he says, "Excellent! This day couldn't start off any better!"

What is situational and verbal irony?


A whip used as an instrument of punishment; a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering.

What is a scourge?


Europe, Africa, and Asia are the 3 largest continents. With over 20 million people living in these areas, it's not surprise they are the #1 tourist destinations. Sandy beaches, luxurious shopping, and all types of food choices; its no wonder people can't resist.

What is to inform the reader about the population in Europe, Africa, and Asia and to persuade readers to visit them.


In 1066, France invaded England. We are still feeling the effects of that invasion today. Why? Because when France invaded, many French words found their way into the English language. For example, the words beef and pork come from French, while the words cow and pig come from English.

What is the French invasion of England in 1066 altered the English language.


What are the rhetorical appeals? Define them and give ORIGINAL examples.

Answer to Ms. Nwachukwu's and Mrs. Saffo's discretion.