Welcome to CCI
Compliance & QA
Worker Safety
Human Rights

David Botting

Who is CCI's President and CEO?


Do the Right Thing! (Even when no one is watching!)

What is the QA Motto?


Any person who works for a program, including employees, contracted employees, and volunteers are considered this.

What is a Human Service Worker?


The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are considered to be entitled

What are Human Rights?


The Strengths-Based, Person-Centered Approach to having a good day.

What is PBS (Positive Behavior Supports)?


This service type offers a broad range of services from intensive therapies to participating in community activities

What is Day Habilitation?


This plan and officer ensures that all services and business activities at CCI are conducted with the highest level of integrity and ethical standards.

What is Corporate Compliance?


The goal of this strategy is to reduce the level of agitation so that a discussion becomes possible.

What is de-escalation?


The only way rights may be limited 

What is Due Process?


These are supports designed for everyone with the goal of preventing challenging behavior by ensuring individuals are in positive and responsive environment

What are Universal Supports?


This service delivery model helps a person with skills such as cooking, cleaning, and budgeting in their own home.

What is Supported Living Services?


Awareness of appropriate service delivery, Accurate and timely documentation of services, Consistently holding yourself accountable for your actions, and Reporting any observations or knowledge of fraud, waste and abuse immediately.

What are staff's responsibilities for Corporate Compliance and QA?


The first response when in an Active Shooter Situation.

What is Evacuate/Avoid?


The term for Staff's responsibility to report suspected abuse or neglect.

What is a Mandated Reporter?


Remaining calm, offering a different environment, and using non-verbal gestures to guide someone are all ways of doing this.

What is Redirection?


This is on-site support to develop independent work skills, develop natural supports with co-workers, and work with Management

What is Job Coaching?


This is a review which ensures that CCI is assuming all regulated Legal, Administrative, Program Policy and Clinical responsibilities for our work with people who receive services

What is an audit?


The three things that make a good hiding place.

What are: be out of the shooter's view, provides protection, and not trap you or restrict movement


Three things to do if you witness abuse

What is Stop it, Make sure the person is safe, and report it!


Avoiding saying 'No', thinking of ways that a person can feel in control of their life, offering choices & praise, and teaching new skills creates this for a person receiving services.

What is a 'YES' Environment?


These are the 8 program sites for CCI

What are: Fall River: Davol, Life Skills (Hartwell), North Main St., Fairhaven, Wareham, Plymouth, Mashpee, and Yarmouth?


This policy encourages all employees to disclose any wrong-doing that may adversely impact CCI, persons served, stakeholders, employees and the public at large.

What is Reporting Suspected Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Policy?


Three things to do in an Active Shooter Situation when law enforcement arrives

What are: Remain calm and follow Officer’s directions, Put down any items in your hands (i.e. bags, jacket), Immediately raise hands and spread finges keeping hands visible at all times, Avoid making quick movements toward officers (i.e. holding onto them for safety), Avoid pointing, yelling, screaming, Do not stop to ask Officers for help or directions


Five basic Human Rights we to which we all are entitled.

What are: Liberty, Equality, Privacy, Association, Expression, Religion, Property, Personal Safety, Health


These are CCI's Matrix of Expectations for staff and persons receiving services.

What are: 

We are respectful

We are responsible

We are safe