The Arabic word for thirsty
What is عطش?
The Arabic word for returned
What is عاد?
The Arabic word for with
What is "مع"?
The Arabic word for, another.
What is, "آخر" or "أُخرى"?
The Arabic word for the water
What is الماء?
The Arabic word for become happy
What is فرح ?
The English word for نقل
What is, "moved"?
The Arabic word for "twelve."
What is, "اثنا عشر"?
The title of section 13 in Arabic
What is بئر زمزم?
The title of section 14 in Arabic
What is رؤيا إبراهيم ?
The title of Section 15 in Arabic
What is, "الكعبة"?
The title of section 16 in Arabic
What is, "بيت المقدس"?
Translate the sentence: هل شَرِبْتَ ماءَزمزم؟
What is "Have you drank the water of Zamzam?"
Translate the sentence: ولقي إسمعيل ولقي هاجر
What is, "And he met Ismail and he met Hajar?
Translate the sentence, "و صلى الله على محمد وسلم"
What is, "May Allah send blessings upon Muhammad and send peace"?
Translate the sentence, "بارك الله حوله"
What is, "Around which Allah placed blessings?
Translate the sentence:ومكة ليس فيها بئر ،ومكة ليس فيها نهر
What is, "And, Makkah, in it there is no well; and Makkah, in it there is no river?
Translate the sentence: وذات ليلة رأى إبراهيم في المنام أنه يذبح إسمعيل
What is, "And one night Ibrahim saw in (his) dream that he is slaughtering Isma'il"?
Translate the sentence, "ربنا تقبل منا إنك أنت السميع العليم"
What is, "Our Lord! Accept from us; verily You alone are the all-hearing and all-knowing"?
Translate the sentence, "و يوسف له قصة عجيبة في القرآن"
What is, "And Yusuf has an amazing story in the Qu'ran"?