Natural selection and microevolution
Speciation and macroevolution
Does it really belong in Unit 3?
The Heelers

The timescale of life on Earth spans approximately this many billion years.

What is 3.5 billion years?


These offspring have the ability to survive and reproduce. 

What are viable offspring?


The term for the pattern of speciation where unrelated species evolve similar traits due to similar environments. Analogous structures are present. 

What is convergent evolution?


This term refers to a group of organisms that includes a common ancestor and all its descendants.

What is a clade?


Bluey and her family reside in this Australian city.

What is Brisbane?


The term for the diversification of a common ancestral species into a variety of descendant species. Usually with a number of homologous structures.

What is adaptive radiation?


The concept that organisms with traits best suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.

What is survival of the fittest?


The term for the pattern of speciation where two related species evolve similar traits due to similar environments. For example the Australian sugar glider and the North American flying squirrel. 

What is parallel evolution?


What are the abiotic and biotic factors that contributed to the predominant colour of the peppered moth.

What is the level of industrial pollution (abiotic) and predation by birds (biotic)?


Bluey met this Labrador while on a family camping trip. 

Who is Jean-Luc?


This concept involves the comparison of genomic features to provide evidence for the theory of evolution.

What is comparative genomics?


This type of selection favours individuals with traits that are at either extreme of a range of variation.

What is disruptive selection?


This mode of speciation occurs when new species arise within the same geographic area as the parent species. The barriers are not geographic, but rather establish reproductive isolation. 

What is sympatric speciation?


Some species reproduce asexually, so their ability to reproduce in natural conditions cannot be tested. 

Fossils cannot be classified on the basis of their ability to reproduce. 

Embryos can occur without fertilisation.

What are limitations of the Biological definition of Species?


Bluey's father has a profession involving this type of work.

What is archaeology?


The hypothesis that all living organisms share a common ancestor and have descended from that ancestor over time.

What is the theory of common descent?


The term for the selective advantage that enhances the survival and reproduction of a particular phenotype.

What is fitness?


These barriers occur after the formation of a zygote and often result in reduced fitness or reproductive isolation between different species.

What are post-zygotic barriers?


This term refers to the phenomenon where two different species interbreed but their hybrid offspring are infertile.

What is hybrid sterility?


The right way to play pass the parcel to prevent turning into a nation of squibs is by following these rules. 

What are Lucky's Dad's Rules?


This type of evolution occurs when a species has periods of little change, and periods of rapid change caused by gene mutations. When those rapid changes occur, this can give rise to new species.

What is punctuated evolution?


An example of natural selection is the development of antibiotic resistance in these microorganisms.

What are bacteria?


This genetic phenomenon arises when a small group of individuals establishes a new population in a different area, leading to altered allele frequencies due to limited genetic diversity.

What is the Founder Effect?


Cladistics assumes that physical changes occur at these points in the evolutionary history of species.

What are branching points or nodes?

It is the name of Bingo's best friend. 

What is Lila?