Percents and Financial Math
Statistics and Probability
Graphs and Slope
Types of Functions
Equations and Expressions

True or False? A picture is listed for 15% off. If you have a 20% off coupon, then you can purchase the picture for 35% off the regular price.



In the Olympics, there are ten swimming lanes. Find the number of possible variations in which the 10 swimmers can finish.

10or 1,000,000


What kind of line has a slope of 0?

Any horizontal line

What is the vertical line test and why it is used to determine if a graph is a function?

A function is defined as every input has exactly one output, so the vertical line test proves this theory.


What's the difference between an equation and an expression?

You can solve an equation but only simplify an expression. Equations have equals signs


Elise has 250 pictures on her iPhone. She increased the number of pictures on her phone BY 8%. The number of pictures on her phone TO what percent?



Determine whether the following probabilities are theoretical or empirical:

- the probability of a tree falling on your car.

- the probability of the president being reelected.

- the probability of having a girl if you have 1 child.

1. empirical

2. empirical

3. theoretical


Which of the following lines has a slope of 3?

y= 3x+2

x= 3y + 6

y= 3 - 5x

y= 3

y= 3x+2


If Eric deposits $30 into a savings account earning 2.4% compounded monthly:

1. what type of function is this?

2. write a function modeling the amount in Eric's account over time

1. exponential

2. p(t)= 30(0.024)t


Suppose there are some chairs in a room and each chair has 4 legs. Let c represent the number of chairs. Let l represent the total number of legs. 

Which are the correct equations that correspond to this situation?

a. c=4l

b. l=4c

c. c= L/4

d. L=c/4

B. L=4c

C. c=L/4


The price of a TV is marked up by 120%, and Sarah has a coupon for 20% off. If the final sale price is $500, how much was the TV originally?



Find the probability of rolling a sum of 10 three times in a row when rolling two fair dice.

(1/12)3 or 0.0005787


give an example of an equation for a decreasing line.

y= anything w negative slope


Determine whether each function is linear, exponential or neither.


y= 3x+2



y= x2-4x+9







Shannon bought 12 energy drinks for her study group the night before an exam. She only bought Red Bulls and Monsters. Each Red Bull costs $2.00 while each Monster costs $2.50. Let r represent the number of Red bull cans Shannon bought and m represent the number of Monster can she bought.

a. Write an expression that represents the amount of money Shannon spent on Red Bulls.

b. Write an expression that represents the amount of money Shannon spent on Monsters.

c. Write an expression that represents the total amount of money Shannon spent on energy drinks.

d. If she spent a total of $26 on these energy drinks, write an equation to show the total amount of money she spent.

a. 2r

b. 2.50m

c. 2r + 2.50m

d. 2r + 2.50m = 26


A car salesman told Marie that her monthly payment would be $286.50 for a car priced at $18,000 if Marie puts 20% down and obtains a 5-year loan with a 7.2% interest rate. How much money will Marie pay in total interest for this car?



find the probability of drawing a club, then a spade, then a heart in that order from a standard deck of 52 cards

2197/132,600 OR 0.17


A movie theater charges $14 per movie ticket. If you purchase tickets online through Fandango or another service, you must pay a $3 service charge for using their service. The function C(T)= 3+ 14T represents the cost of purchasing T tickets through Fandango.

Interpret the slope in this context.

Interpret the vertical intercept.

How much will it cost for a family of 4 to go see a movie if they purchase tickets through Fandango?

1. $14 per ticket

2. $3 surcharge

3. C(T)=3+14(4)= $59


A population P of a town increases according to the model P(t)= 4500(1.034t), where t represents the year, with t=0 corresponding to the year 2000.

a. what is the initial population?

b. does the function represent growth or decay?

c. By what percent is the population changing each year?

d. What is the domain and range of this function?

e. What will the population of the town be in 2020?

a. 4500 people

b. growth

c. 3.4%

d. D: ARN R: y>0

e. P(t)=4500(1.034)20


-3[4(2x-6)+5x)= 18x - (x+4)

x= 76/56


Emily borrowed $14,000 in the form of a subsidized loan to pay for college. If she has a 2.5% interest rate and repays the loan after 25 years, how much will her monthly payments be?



Which of the following probabilities represent conditional probability?

1. the probability of rolling 3 five times in a row when rolling a single die

2. the probability of rolling a 2 after already rolling a 2 three times in a row when rolling a single die

3. the probability of drawing an ace or a king out of a standard deck of 52 cards if you draw a single card

4. the probability of drawing an ace and a spade out of a standard deck of 52 cards if you draw a single card

5. the probability of drawing a green marble and then a red marble (without replacement) out of a jar of 50 marbles of various colors (blue, green, red)

2. the probability of rolling a 2 after already rolling a 2 three times in a row when rolling a single die

5. the probability of drawing a green marble and then a red marble (without replacement) out of a jar of 50 marbles of various colors (blue, green, red)


What is the equation of a line? Use this to help you write the equation of a ...

1. a decreasing line

2. an increasing line

3. a line with a slope of 0

4. a line with an undefined slope

1. anything with a negative slope

2. positive slope

3. any horizontal line, y=3

4. any vertical line, x=7


Determine whether the following function is linear, exponential, or neither.

a. Modeling the height of a cannon ball being shot out of a cannon over time.

b. The amount of interest accumulated on a student loan while in school (which accumulates according to simple interest).

c. Your car can hold 15 gallons of gas. You currently have 3 gallons of gas in your

tank. You begin filling up your tank by pumping 1⁄2 gallons of gas per minute. The function modeling the amount of gas in your tank.

d. The population of a town started with 15,000 people in 1950. The town’s population increased by 5% each year since 1950.

e. The amount of money in an account that gains 3% compound interest annual starting with $200.

f. A waiter serves 3 tables per hour and has already served 5 tables. The function modeling the number of tables the waiter has served over time.

a. E

b. L

c. E

d. E

e. E

f. L


6- (2 - t) = ______

1. Complete the right side of the equation so that the solution is t=5.

2. Complete the right side of the equation so that the equation will have one solution that is not t=5.

3. Complete the right side of the equation so that the solution is t=0.

4. Complete the right side of the equation so that there is no solution. 

5. Complete the right side of the equation so that it will have infinite solutions.

1. 9

2. any number but 5

3. 4

4. anything with t

5. t+4