Author's Purpose
Controlling Idea
Text Features
Organizational Patterns

What is the main purpose of the article about bullfighting?

To detail the ongoing debate over bullfighting in Mexico and the cultural implications.


What is the controlling idea of the article?

The article discusses the ongoing legal and social battle over the tradition of bullfighting in Mexico.


What can be inferred about the protesters' views on bullfighting based on their actions?

The protesters strongly oppose bullfighting and view it as a form of animal cruelty.


How does the information in the “By the Numbers” box help you understand the author’s purpose?

It shows the contrast between the arguments for and against banning bullfighting.


What organizational pattern does the article primarily follow?

The article uses a chronological structure, detailing events leading up to the current state of bullfighting.


How does the author convey the emotions of both bullfighting supporters and opponents?

Through vivid descriptions of the atmosphere in the arena and the protests outside.


How does the article illustrate the tension between tradition and changing societal views?

By showing the divided opinions of the crowd at the arena and the protesters outside.


What does the reaction of the crowd during the bullfight suggest about their feelings toward the event?

The crowd is enthusiastic and supportive, indicating a strong cultural attachment to bullfighting.


How does the photograph of the protesters support the controlling idea of the article?

It emphasizes how those who oppose bullfighting claim it is animal cruelty and torture.


How does the author contrast the perspectives of supporters and opponents of bullfighting?

By presenting viewpoints from both sides throughout the article, highlighting their arguments.


What message does the author seem to want to send regarding tradition and animal rights?

The author highlights the conflict between preserving cultural traditions and addressing modern concerns about animal cruelty.


What does the phrase "a larger war between tradition and evolving views on animal cruelty" imply about society's values?

It suggests that society is shifting towards prioritizing animal rights over traditional practices.


Why might some bullfighting supporters believe it is an art form?

They may view the skill of the matadors and the tradition of the event as valuable cultural expressions.


  In the image next to the title, what does the matador’s clothing (such as its fit, fabric, embroidery, and use of a red cape) communicate to the viewer about bullfighting?

Bullfighting is a highly regarded event that is rich in history, tradition, and culture.


What effect does using anecdotes have on the article's structure?

Anecdotes engage readers emotionally and provide real-life examples that illustrate the broader issues.


What tone does the author use when describing the bullfighting events?

The tone is both celebratory and critical, emphasizing the excitement of the event while acknowledging the controversy surrounding it.


What examples does the author provide to show the decline of bullfighting?

The author mentions the prohibition of bullfights in several states and the decline in attendance over the years.


What does the statement "No one who goes to a bullfight comes out a better person" imply about the perspective of the activists?

It implies that activists believe bullfighting promotes violence and desensitization to animal suffering.


What idea or ideas does the presence of the audience in the image on page 6 convey?  

The large audience conveys the idea that bullfighting is a popular sport where excited fans come together to eat, cheer, and celebrate.


Why does the author highlight arguments both FOR and AGAINST banning bullfighting?

The author presents a broad view of the debate by presenting both sides of the argument.


What rhetorical devices does the author use to persuade the reader about the significance of this issue?

The author employs anecdotes, emotional language, and contrasting perspectives to engage the reader.


How does the author convey the significance of La Plaza México in the bullfighting culture?

By emphasizing its historical importance and economic impact on the local community.


In the final section, the author writes that bullfighting spectators will “keep the festivities going [...] until told otherwise.” What can the reader infer from this statement?

Bullfighting will end only when it is formally banned


Why is the inclusion of statistics, like the number of attendees at La Plaza México, important?

Statistics highlight the popularity of bullfighting and its economic significance.


What is the significance of the article's conclusion regarding the future of bullfighting?

It leaves readers contemplating the ongoing conflict and possible resolutions in the cultural and legal landscape.