Literary Lesbians
Grilling & Chilling
Fantasy Food
1980s Horror
Non-MCU Marvel Movies

The British were not pleased with Radclyffe Hall for this novel, which painted their WWI ambulance service as a hotbed of lesbian activity.

What is the Well of Loneliness?


The Hearh, Patio, and Barbecue Association names Memorial Day, Fourth of July & this holiday as the 3 biggest steak-grilling days in the USA

What is Labor Day?


This fantasy world serves up eidar cheese, sweet rolls, and horker stew.

What is Elder Scrolls: Skyrim?

Stanley Kubrick directed this 1980 adaptation of a Stephen King novel.

What is the Shining?


Completely missing from the MCU version of the Spider-Man films is this sometimes friend, sometimes foe previous played by James Franco and Dane Dehaan.

Who is Harry Osborne?


This Finnish lesbian immortalized her lover as Too-Ticky, a practical, compassionate creature who lives in a boat house.

Who is Tove Jansson?


Named for an insect, this preparation for grilling involves splitting meat down the middle.

What is "butterflying?"


Food from this television franchise can be made in a replicator.

What is Star Trek?

Horror movies don't always use the most sensitive tropes. For example, this racist trope was the cause of the haunting in Poltergeist.

What is an "Indian Burial Ground"?


In a movie struck from continuity so they could recast for the Avengers, Edward Norton plays this tortured, destructive riff on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Who is the Hulk?


This lesbian wrote a five million word coded diary chronicling her erotic encounters wth a number of female lovers.

Who is Anne Lister?


This sizzling Mexican dish consists of strips of grilled beef or chicken sauteed with onions & peppers.

What are fajitas?


In this book, a shapechanger serves up a vegetarian meal featuring honeycakes.

What is The Hobbit?


This person was the mysterious slasher of the first Friday the 13th movie.

Who is Jason Vorhees?


In his swan song from the franchise, Hugh Jackman plays Wolverine in this 2017 found-family Western alongside Dafne Keen as Laura.

What is "Logan"?



Despite its title, The Autobiography of Alice. B. Toklas was actually written by her longtime partner, this author.

Who is Gertrude Stein?


Grown in Georgia, the Vidalia type of these are in season during summer & are great on burgers or skewered.

What are onions?


This film series serves milk with a blue hue.

What is Star Wars?


Clive Barker based Hellraiser on this collection of short stories he also penned.

What is "Books of Blood"?


The last attempt to adapt this space-faring superhero team flopped in 2015, despite Michael B. Jordan's star power.

Who are the Fantastic Four?


This lesbian's literary salons were a hub a social center of queer life in early 1900s Paris, hosting such guests as Ezra Pound, Mata Hari and painter Romaine Brooks.

Who is Natalie Barney?


Texas based Genghis Grill specializes in this assemble-it-yourself style of barbecue grilling.

What is Mongolian Barbecue?


In this children's book series, characters can enjoy a Deeper'n'Ever Turnip'n'Tater'n'Beetroot Pie.

What is Redwall?


This 1984 film, along with "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom," prompted the introduction of the PG-13 movie rating.

What is "Gremlins"?


In 2023's Across the Spider-Verse, writers quietly changed the name of Miles Morales' father, who had previously been named after this Confederate "statesman."

Who is Jefferson Davis?