A method that studies one's own culture
Is it autoethnography
The opposite of quality
Is it quantity?
A paradigm that uses qualitative research methods
Is it humanities?
The way to gain knowledge
Is it methodology?
A kind of reading that draws in your cultural understanding and existing knowledge
Is it interpretation?
An instrument that gathers a responses from consumers
Is it a questionnaire?
Economists' reality
Is it realist?
What makes knowledge valid
Is it epistemology?
An examination of story structure
A method that has a control group
Is it experiment?
Psychologists' fishbowl
Relationship between the knower and the knowledge
Is it ontology?
A requirement is to visit an archive
Is it historical document analysis?
Factors that you can control in an experiment
Is it independent variable?
Anthropologists' fishbowl
Is it emic?
The ultimate goal of all paradigms
Is it knowledge?
An examination of sign, signifier and signified
Is it semiotic analysis?
Researchers cannot control this
Is it dependent variable?
Half of communication research
Is it social science?
A quality assurance process
Is it triangulation?