When do you update an ANSA?
What is 180 days?
When do you update a CANS?
What is 90 days?
When do update a PCRP?
What is every time a TRR is updated?
What is annually?
What is concurrent documentation?
What is collaboration with client to complete documentation?
What does a score of a 2 mean on an action item?
What is moderate action needed?
What does a score of 3 mean on an action item?
What is Immediate Action Needed?
How soon should a PCRP completed from point of initial TRR per TAC, if not completed the same day?
What is 10 days?
How often are you required to attend a QA training?
What is every 6 months?
Name an Evidence Based Practice for Adults.
What is IMR, Anger Management, Supported Employment, Supported Housing, Smoking Cessation?
What scores on needs automatically batch into a PCRP?
What is 2s and 3s?
A LOC 2 can receive what types of services?
What is case management, skills training, or counseling?
What does SMART stand for?
What is Simple, Measurable, Attainable, Relevance, Time?
How often can you attend PCRP training/TRR Day 2?
What is as often as needed?
Difference between CM Routine note and Skills Training note.
What is Skills Training documents EBPs and Case Management documents linking, referring and monitoring?
What does a score of 0 indicate on a strengths item?
What is center piece strength?
What does a score of 1 indicate of a strength item?
What is Useful?
After an initial PCRP is completed by intake, when should the next PCRP be completed?
What is at first CM appointment?
What training is provided to staff to develop skills for assisting clients to help develop goals?
What is Motivational Interviewing?
Name two Evidence Based Practices for Youth.
What is Seeking Safety, Skills Streaming, Aggression Replacement Training, Preparing Adolescents for Young Adulthood, Defiant Child/Teen, Nurturing Parenting?
Name three needs with a history component.
What is Suicide Risk, Substance Use, Legal, Danger to Others, Self-Injurious Behavior, Other Self Harm, Exploitation, Gambling, Sexual Aggression, Criminal Behavior?
Name three Caregiver needs.
What is Supervision, Involvement in Treatment, Knowledge, Organization, Residential Stability, Physical, Mental Health, Substance Use, Access to Child Care, Family Stress, Safety?
What is the difference between a goal and an objective?
What is goal is overarching vision of the life the individual wants/motivation for change and an objective is an anticipated sign of progress?
How often does each case manager receive an internal chart review?
What is once a quarter?
What services are provided under CCBHC?
What is Promotoras, Peers, Care Coordination, Veterans, Dietician, Substance Use?