A food defense "motto"
If you see something say something
The number of seconds that are required when washing your hands?
20 seconds
The number of Allergens recognized by the United States
A type of PPE all employees are required to wear for confining hair
A pest control company responsible for the McCalla plant
Are potential threats that originate from within an organization.
Internal threats
The name of the production areas of the plant that are after the oven
Post kill
The allergens that are at the McCalla Facility
Wheat, Peanut
An area where food or drinks are to be consumed while you are at work
Break room, Office
A person that could be interviewed by an auditor
Any employee
Are 2 types of defenses used at receiving prior to unloading
Trailer inspection and seal integrity
The 2 reasons why is food safety important
Protects the Brand reputation, protects the Consumer
Is an abnormal response to a food triggered by your body's immune system.
Food allergy
The type of bandage you use if you sustain a cut
Metal detectable bandage
An animal or insect that is harmful, destructive, and may carry a disease
The protection plan for food products from intentional contamination or adulteration by biological, chemical, physical, agents introduced for the purpose of causing harm.
Food Defense
The type of plan that is required by all food manufactures according to the FDA
Food safety plan
The location of the allergen declaration
Ingredient statement
Area where tobacco use is permitted
Off company property
A document used by the facility for communication to Ecolab
Pest sighting log
A tool used for risk assessment for determining key activities
Operation Risk Management, ORM
A preventative control at the McCalla facility
Allergen, Supplier, Sanitation, Metal detection, Oven/Bread temperature
A severe allergic reaction that requires emergency medical treatment
A cosmetic enhancement that is not allowed at the McCalla facility
False eyelashes, False fingernails, nail polish, body piercings
An audit the McCalla participates in that is globally recognized
BRCGS Brand Reputation Compliance Global Standards