A 30 year member comes in with a personal check for $1000. What kind of check is this?
Non-Next Day
What kind of ID(s) would be needed for a non navy federal cash advance of $200 ?
One Primary ID + Back Up Id Questions
A member comes in and swipes their debit card to get logged into encore. Member requests to make a cash advance on a non NFCU CC. What are your next steps?
Request Valid Photo ID, Use BIN checker on the card, ask at least two back up questions, review mbr accounts/EJ for red flags
A member comes in with a $200 NFCU check and a $300 Treasury check. How would these be put on hold?
$200 NFCU check - no hold
$300 Treasury check - One Day
What kind of ID(s) would be needed for a non navy federal cash advance of $2000 ?
Two Primary ID + Back Up Id Questions
What are two back up questions?
What are the last six digits on your debit card? , What accounts are linked to your debit card or CUCARD? , When was your last ATM transaction? , Who is the authorized user on your Navy Federal credit card? , What is your joint owner's name and date of birth (DOB)? , Who sponsored your membership with Navy Federal? , What is the name of the person you sponsored for membership? , What is the make and year of the collateral on your Navy Federal loan? , Who did you last send money to by Western Union or wire transfer? , What account is securing your share secured loan?
A New Member comes into the branch and would like to deposit a navy federal check for $500, a personal check for $3000, and a US Treasury Check for $200. How would these be put on hold?
Navy federal check for $500 - no hold
A personal check for $3000 - 5 day
US Treasury Check for $200 - one day
What are 3 Identification Clues/Red Flags?
What is the cash advance limit per transaction of Visa credit cards with a BIN starting with 406095?
A new member comes in with a $500 check from Air Force Aid Society, a $3000 Postal Money Order, & a $400 Personal Check
$500 check from Air Force Aid Society - No Hold
$3000 Postal Money Order - One day
$400 Personal Check - Five Day
What are three types of prohibited IDs?
For a Navy Federal Credit Card: How much can a member cash advance off of their card?
Maximum of 30% of the credit limit, or $30,000, whichever is less
Member of 30 days comes in with a $3000 personal check, $500 Treasury Check
$3000 personal check - 5 day
$500 Treasury Check - one day
What are all the primary CIP IDs?
(Unexpired for all IDs) Drivers License, State ID, Passport, MIL or CAC Card, permeant resident alien card, Native American tribal ID card
What ID's are acceptable for a cash advance?
(Unexpired for all IDs) Drivers License, State ID, Passport, MIL or CAC Card, permeant resident alien card, Native American tribal ID card