What lean rule is related to the Lego Activity?
Lean Rule 1:
Highly Specified Work!
What does the CUS acronym stand for?
10/5 Rule
At 10 feet from a guest smile and make direct eye contact
At five feet from a guest verbally greet people.
What is a Shift?
6 or more consecutive data points above or below the median? (Use 8 points if you have 20 or more
total data points.)
What is a Mokita?
That which everyone knows but never speaks of.
Elephant in the room!
What Lean Rule creates consistent results?
Lean Rule #1 Standardization
What are elements of a good Handoff?
Verbal Communication
Clarity of information
Transfer of responsibility
Acknowledgement of receiver
Opportunity to review
What is a PICK Chart?
Possible, Implement, Challenge, and Kickout
A PICK chart is a visual tool used for sorting and prioritizing ideas, tasks or projects
What is an Astronomical Data Point?
data points that stand out as being very far away from the others, which people close to the work would agree appear highly unusual. (At or above 3 Standard Deviations from the median or mean)
What is gradually then suddenly?
Starts slow then becomes hard and then don't realize that you've done it!
What was a learning from the Airplane game?
Single piece flows
Transportation/Movement Waste
Cycle Time
What situations would peer check be helpful?
When submitting to a large Audience (Internal / External)
When there is risk around what you're doing
When you need new ideas or are unsure
To teach and learn from an experience
When you're new to a role.
Who Built the Sakkara Step Pyramid in Egypt?
Built by Imhotep
What is a Trend?
5 or more sequential data points all going up or all going down? (Use 6 points if you have 20 or
more total data points.) If two consecutive points are the same value, only count once.
What does Let Silence do the heavy lifting mean?
When there is too much talk in a conversation, ideas are very likely to be lost between words. Fierce conversations need silence as well. Insight occurs in the spaces between the words being spoken. Memorable talks have breathing time and allow for inner dialogue. That’s where a-ha moments happen and how true change occurs.
What lean rule is the telephone game related to?
Lean Rule 2: How People Connect!
What is an SBAR and When do you use an SBAR?
When the information needs to be communicated quickly and concisely. Often when you need an answer/response.
Describe what AAA Service Recovery is from Beki's Pickle Presentation? (The Patient The Pickles and the 3 Project managers)
Acknowledge, Apologize, and Amend.
What is the Triple AIM in Healthcare?
optimize health outcomes, patient experience, and cost efficiency for communities.
What is the Idea of Making it Real?
Master the courage to interrogate reality. Most people live in their own bubble and are not really aware of when and how things change. Or how other people change, for that matter. Getting out of the comfort zone and probing how things truly stand is highly necessary.
What is the difference between Lean and Six Sigma?
Six Sigma focuses on eliminating defects and reducing variation. Lean focuses on eliminating waste.
What does STAR stand for?
What are the five levels of communication?
Information Sharing
Building Understanding
Identifying Implications
Gaining Commitment
Altering Behavior
In the Model for Improvement, how do you know if a change is an improvement?
Measuring data.
Teams use feedback in the form of quantitative and qualitative data to learn if a specific change leads to an improvement. Ensure that the individuals who will most benefit from the improvement contribute to identifying measures that reflect improvement from their perspective
The conversation equals the blank?
The genuine conversations we should dread but the unreal ones – they may not be uncomfortable while they are happening but in the long run, they are the ones that are detrimental. Talking just for the sake of talking does not solve anything and in the end, proves to run rather expensive both for the individual and for the organization. When it’s paramount for things or people to change in order to get out of a situation or to simply make some progress, a real conversation is key. It will lead to transformation before it is even over.