Who is Ascellon?
The meaning of the acronym, OSHA.
What is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration?
Performing this action is the number one way to reduce the risk of healthcare associated infections.
What is hand hygiene?
This process is used to acknowledge and apologize to a patient and family following an adverse event.
What is an Institutional Disclosure?
Toyota is well known for creating this highly successful performance improvement methodology.
What is LEAN?
This VHA Veteran survey is known for "giving quality a voice".
What is uSPEQ?
You open a door and see a small fire, this acronym, and its meaning, will help you effectively utilize a fire extinguisher.
What is PASS (Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep)
Topics, originated by the Joint Commission, to promote and enforce changes in patient safety for participating healthcare organizations.
What are the National Patient Safety Goals?
Telling involved providers of a malpractice case within 30 days.
What is Initial Tort Notification?
Define Value, Map the Value Stream, Create Flow, Establish Pull, and Pursuit of Perfection.
What are the five principles of LEAN?
This material, never to be stored on the floors, is notorious for ushering creepy crawlers into our facilities.
What is corrugated cardboard?
The OSHA regulation mandating employers provide a workplace free of recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause serious physical harm or death.
What is the General Duty Clause?
This National Patient Safety Goal reduces patient harm by addressing issues that make employees go BEEP or BLEEP!
What are Clinical Alarms?
Injury, death, or the loss of property are each reasons for doing this.
What are the reasons for filing an Administrative Tort Claim?
In a VSM, the total time it takes for a process to convert a raw material into a finished quality part.
What is Lead Time?
French scientist, Louis Pasteur, would be most proud of this chapter in the Joint Commission standards.
What is the Infection Prevention and Control Chapter?
This small metal ring creates a seal around a building's fire sprinkler.
What is an escutcheon?
This process is performed before a procedure to prevent wrong-site, wrong-procedure, and wrong-person surgery?
What is a Time-out?
120 days is the maximum time allowed to process this review.
What is a Protected Peer Review?
This Japanese word means, "go and see the work"
What is Gemba?
These medication management tools are sometimes referred to as HAM SALAD.
What are the High Alert Medication and Sound-alike, Look-alike Drug lists?
This research branch of the CDC provides OSHA with data to help prevent workplace exposures, accidents, injuries, and illnesses.
What is the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
The name of VHA's electronic database used to document patient safety events and close-calls.
What is the Joint Patient Safety Reporting system?
A federal lawsuit with a maximum of $5,000 that is NOT medical malpractice.
What is a Small Tort Claim?
The Lean term for unbalanced workload or overburden.
What is Muri?