What is an example of descriptive statistics?
The average age of everyone in this class (mean).
What is a bivariate correlation?
A bivariate correlation is used to determine the relationship between two different variables (X and Y).
When are ANOVA tests used?
ANOVA tests are used when more than two group means are being compared.
What do regression analysis' help with?
Regression analysis can help identify which independent variables significantly impact the dependent variable.
What are the 3 most common measures of variability?
Range, standard deviation, and variance.
What is an example of inferential statistics?
Taking a group of 100 people, splitting them up into two groups, and having them try two different theories.
What are two types of correlation coefficients?
Positive correlation or direct correlation and negative correlation or indirect correlation.
What is an example of a ANOVA research question?
Comparing the differences in GPAs by grade levels (juniors vs. seniors).
Give me an example of regression analysis.
The effect on sales and spending of money on things like advertising.
What does central tendency measure?
Central tendency measures attempts to describe a whole set of data with a single value that represents the middle or centre of its distribution.
What is statistics used for?
Statistics is a set of tools and techniques used for describing, organizing, and interpreting information or data.
What values do correlations range from?
Correlations range in value from −1.00 to +1.00.
Why is the factorial design used?
The factorial design is used to explore more than one independent variable.
Give me an example of a regression formula?
r(27) = .393, p < .05
What are two types of range?
Exclusive range and inclusive range.
What is inferential statistics used for?
Inferential statistics is used to make inferences based on a smaller group of representative data.
What do absolute values indicate?
Absolute values indicate strength.
Why are ANOVA tests important in statistics?
The P value determines the probability.
What does standard deviation represent?
Standard deviation represents the average amount of variability in a set of scores.
What are the two major branches of statistics?
descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
What is coefficient of determination?
The percentage of variance in one variable that is
accounted for by the variance in the other variable.
What does an ANOVA formula look like?
F(2,27) = 8.80, p < .05
The R value determines the test statistic.
What does variability reflect?
Variability reflects how scores differ from one another.