1. I saw your cat _____minutes ago. 

2. Unfortunately, there were _____ guests at the event. We hoped to see more people. 

3. People who have _____patience can't be good teachers. 

1. a few

2. few

3. little


1. Are you thirsty? I have ______ water.

2.  We moved to the town this summer and my sister has  _____  friends here, she feels lonely.

3.   I have _______ interesting articles for you. 

1. a little

2. few

3. a few


1. There are ______ people she really trusts. It's a bit sad. 

2. I have _____water left. There's enough to share. 

3. I have ______ good friends. I'm not lonely. 

1. few

2. a little

3. a few


1. Just give us ____ time, please. A few minutes, okay? 

2. Very ____ poets publish their work in paper nowadays. 

3. Only ____ people in our town speak French. 

1. a little

2. few

3. a few


1. There is _______ air in the room, I can't breathe here. 

2. May I ask you _____ questions, please? 

3. 'How's your father ?' ' ______    better, thanks.’

1. little

2. a few

3. A little


1. There was very ____ rain last autumn. 

2. Anna spent ___ days in Rome 

3. I’d like just ___ tea. 

1. little

2. a few

3. a little


1. It's winter, but we still have ____________ flowers in the garden. 

2. There were _________ taxis in front of the station.

3. Can I have_________ pepper, please?

1. a few

2. a few

3. a little


1. 'Would you like some beer?' 'Just_______ please.'

2. If you want to make pancakes, you need _______ eggs and _______ flour.

3. Would you like _______ more rice?

1. a little

2. a few, a little

3. a little


What sentences are correct?

1. There are little women here.

2. There are a little women here.

3. There are few women here.

4. She had few food.

5. She had a few food.

6. She had a little food.

3. There are few women here

6. She had a little food


1. There are _____ books in his house. He doesn't like reading. 

2. Very____ foreign tourists are staying at our hotel.

3.  I’ve got ____ albums of this singer. 

1. few

2. few

3. a few


1. We had ______  snow last winter. We made a snowman in our yard. We also played snowballs a couple of times. 

2. We have______ tomatoes, so we can't make tomato-soup today.

3. The professor spends ______ time in the company of others. He likes to be alone.

1. a little

2. few



What's the correct sentence?

1. She's known the few friends since high school. 

2. She's known a few of her friends since high school. 

3. She's known little of her friends since high school.

2. She's known a few of her friends since high school.


1. I eat _______ meat. I prefer fish.

2. There are ________apples on the plate. Take one.

3. There is ______ milk in the fridge. Can you buy some? 

1.  little

2. a few

3. little


1. I suppose she has ____ choice.

2. There are _____ more important things I'd like to tell them. 

3. I'm sorry! I'm going to be ____ minutes late.

1. little

2. a few

3. a few


1. There's always ___ snow at this time of year. We could meet up and make a snowman in the park. 

2. I need ____ money. Can you lend me some?

3. Could you buy ______ bottles of water for me?

1. a little

2. a little

3. a few