Variable Information
Reliability and Validity
Research Design Types
Variable Identification

Term for a variable that is manipulated in an experiment

What is an Independent Variable


Term for consistency in measurement across different occasions

What is Reliability


Simplest type of experimental design that includes one group receiving treatment and another group as a control

What is Between-Subjects Design


In a study examining the impact of sleep on memory performance, what is the independent variable?

What is Sleep


The guy with a pyramid who convinced us all we need a nap before self-actualization

Who is Abraham Maslow


Type of variable measured to determine the outcome of an experiment

What is a Dependent Variable


Type of validity that refers to how well a test measures what it claims to measure

What is Construct Validity


Research design that follows the same group of individuals over a long period of time

What is Longitudinal Design


In an experiment testing the effect of caffeine on reaction time, what is the dependent variable?

What is Reaction Time

Experiment where a little baby learned that fluffy white things are NOT his friends. Who was this baby?

Who is Little Albert


Term for a variable that could influence the dependent variable, but is not the focus of a study

What is a Confounding Variable (or extraneous variable)


Method called when you measure the same group of people twice to assess consistency over time

What is Test-Retest Reliability


Type of design used when the same participants are exposed to all conditions in an experiment

What is Within-Subjects Design


Participants are ranked from 1st to 5th place in a race. What type of scale does this represent?

What is Ordinal


When your test scores are as inconsistent as your morning coffee order, what's your test missing?

What is Reliability


Variables that represent categories rather than numbers

What is Categorical Variables


Type of validity that refers to how well the results of a test can predict outcomes in other settings

What is External Validity


Name of a design where multiple variables are studied simultaneously to understand their effect on the outcome

What is Factorial Design


A researcher measures participants' height in centimeters. What type of measurement scale is this?

What is Ratio


This almond-shaped part of your brain that is responsible for jumping off your seat during The Shining movie?

What is the amygdala


Term for a variable that is measured along a scale, where both differences and ratios are meaningful

What is a Ratio Variable


Term for the degree to which a test measures all relevant aspects of the construct it is intended to assess

What is Content Validity


Term for a design that has two or more dependent variables and one statistical procedure

What is Multivariate Research Design


In a study categorizing participants by eye color (blue, green, and brown), what type of measurement scale is used?

What is Nominal


Which psychologist left babies alone with strangers to study their attachment styles --- and somehow still kept her job?

Who is Mary Ainsworth (Strange Situation)