Ariel and Kara went to summer camp at this Irish-Catholic prison
What is Lochearn
Lindsay, Jules and Kyle are stars of the following show.
This dish was called out by Kara to be "bland" and "flavorless"
What is Paella
In most modern poker games the first round of betting begins with what?
What is an Ante or Blind
The following household product had to be placed under lock and key after teens began eating it
Ariel lied about the existence of this fantasy establishment
What is The Webkinz Hotel
The following two reality TV stars had a major falling out when photos of one of their children smoking were released to the press.
Who are Ramona and Luann
The chef has been spotted smooching this inanimate object after cooking
What is The Oven
A player who matches a bet may also do what?
This frog is one of the most well-known meme characters to date
Who is Pepe
This original song featuring the Rosenblum patriarch was created while on vacation
What is Danny Rosenblum Had a Yacht
The daughter of a reality star found herself aghast when her mother left her on her birthday to go to this obscure state.
What is Arizona
The chef received his facial scars from entangling himself in this dangerous enclosure
What is A Barbed Wire Fence
This player was the first to get out in last weekend's poker game
Who is Cole
Who is Michael Jordan
This boat crew member was injured by a colleague.
Who is Thelma
Russ, Dennis and Paul are or were all love interests of the following reality star
Who is Bethenny
It is commonly commented upon that the salads could use more of the following
What is Dressing
Prateek plays poker with a producer that works for the following famous comedian
Who is Larry David
This popular meme account's username is a reference to the main character of a famous sitcom.
Who is FuckJerry
Kara and Ariel celebrated their 10th birthdays at the following NYC restaurant
What is Tavern on the Green
This Real Housewives of New York star was sponsored by and created a song for the following brand
What is Jovani
Kara's main source of frustration with the chef comes from the following
What are Time Management Skills
Prateek believes he is the ethnic version of this woman
Who is Molly
This winged insect's affinity for lamps was widely memed in 2019
What is a Moth